Chapter 45

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"Look, I know none of us want to talk about this right now, but we have to figure out what our next step is," Atticus started as everyone took a seat in the kitchen. I walked to the coffee machine and started a pot before grabbing some mugs from the cabinet. "Ciro's uncle, Alessandro, will be coming for us. I've contacted my brother in Barbados. He can offer us protection for a while until we figure out what we're going to do long term."

Thane whipped his head toward Atticus with a frown. "Wolf?"

Atticus narrowed his gaze at Thane and curtly nodded his head. Thane scoffed and smiled bitterly at the floor.

"Fantastic idea, Atticus," he murmured, his tone laced with sarcasm. "I suppose you're bringing Hattie?"

"Do you have a better idea, Thane?" Atticus asked. Thane just turned his gaze toward the window and clenched his jaw, but said nothing. I looked back and forth between the two of them, utterly confused. Cash finally broke the awkward tension.

"I'll go with you both," Cash turned to me and winked. "I told you, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay."

I smiled at him, my face bright red, before turning to pour everyone a cup of coffee. My body trembled with hope that everyone would come. I wanted us to stay together. I had no idea what would be waiting in Barbados, but I wanted us to face it together. I turned to face Keegan and my heart dropped. He stared down at his hands on the counter, and Sav sat close, her hand resting on his arm. I knew what was coming, but I didn't want to hear it.

"I'm going to stay," Keegan finally said, looking up and around the room. There were dark bags under his swollen eyes and he sniffled every now and then. Sav glanced up at me, her eyes wild and confused. "I don't want to leave Hudson yet. And Savannah was involved too. I don't want to leave her unprotected in case Alessandro retaliates."

"I can take care of myself," Sav whispered, though her grip on his arm tightened. For a second, I marveled at how close they had become so quickly. But just as soon as that thought crossed my mind, I mentally scoffed at myself. I had formed a bond with all five of these guys in less than two and a half weeks. And I fell in love with one of them. Well, all of them, really. I had no reason to marvel.

"I know, but I'm not leaving," Keegan said with finality. And Sav didn't look like she was going to argue. Atticus nodded his head.

"Fine. But we need to stay in touch. If anything happens, at all, the two of you are going to have to come to Barbados. At least for a little while," Atticus said. Keegan agreed and then everyone turned to Thane. He regarded each of us with an irritated glance.

"What?" he finally grumbled.

"Are you-" I choked and cleared my throat. Thane's gaze flickered to my face and held my attention fiercely. "Are you coming with us?"

For a long moment, he didn't speak, didn't move. Just stared at me. A range of emotions I never could have possibly deciphered passed over his face.

"Thane?" I whispered.

"Not sure," he mumbled before turning around to leave the kitchen. I immediately started following him, despite Atticus calling my name from behind me.

"Thane wait!" I jogged up behind him.

"I need a shower, Hattie," he said over his shoulder and swung open his bedroom door. I followed him in. My nerves were frayed but took a deep breath, determined to get him to talk to me.

"It's a simple question, Thane. I just need to know."

"Why?" he asked, without looking at me.

"Because I care about you; I want you to be safe."

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