Chapter 16

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*Flash Forward*

"Well this is going to be hard to hide from Camila."

Y/n scoffed at her friend's words as the nurse came to check on the singer and jot down some notes; resuming his rounds when he'd finished.

"You think?! God, she's actually going to kill me. This is your fault!" The singer complained as she waved one of her hands around furiously, not exactly looking forward to the look on her girlfriend's face when she arrived that afternoon.

"My fault?! Technically, it was your ass that got us into this mess in the first place!" Jay retorted as she adjusted the collar of her jacket and slumped down in her chair.

The rest of their team and Y/n's label would not be pleased once they had caught wind of what had occurred the previous night.

48 hours earlier...

"Thank you for having us, Phoenix! Please give my band and team the love they deserve!" Y/n shouted out into the microphone as she pulled out her inears and gestured towards her band.

The stadium erupted into applause and screams, almost deafening the singer as she waited for them to quiet down enough for her to speak again.

"Also, none of this would have been possible without all the love and support I receive from you guys! Thank you so much for listening and for coming out to the show! I love you all so much and I'll see you soon!"

The artist gave her guitar to one of the stagehands and raced off stage, making her way out to the floor and running past the crowd being held back by security and metal gates.

Confetti shot up into the air from cannons attached to the floor as the band continued to play the instrumental to 'There's Nothing Holding Me Back'; the venue's strobe lights flashing wildly.

Her heart pounded in her chest and her cheeks hurt from smiling as she sprinted through the hands reaching out towards her, holding out her own hand for high fives. Y/n flew down the rows, stopping when she got to the back to hug a few of her fans that had won VIP seating from a radio show raffle.

The singer took one more look around the illuminated stadium, enjoying the euphoria from the performance before disappearing behind a black curtain and walking to her dressing room. Jay appeared alongside of her, cheering and clapping as she handed Y/n a bottle of water and a cool towel to wipe her sweat away.

"That was absolutely incredible! I think that was one of the best shows yet!" Her manager gushed as they quickly made their way down the long hallways, weaving through security and dozens of stagehands.

"Dude, I felt it in my bones. That was amazing!" Her thoughts were still scattered as she pushed open the door and entered the quiet room. She let her exhausted body crash into one of the armchairs, snagging a bag of chips from the snack bowl as she sat.

"I can't believe it's almost over." Y/n chewed on a potato chip thoughtfully as she reminisced on the last forty-two shows they had done so far.

Tonight's concert was part of the last leg of the tour; the astronomical number of shows definitely taking a toll on her mentally and physically. Her voice nearly reached it's breaking point at the end of the last show and the tour had to be pushed back a bit, the dates being adjusted slightly so that the singer could have a couple of days off to recover.

It had been a long few months, with the singer being completely exhausted after every single show. She typically barely even had enough time to pack all of her shit before she had to board the tour bus to the next city.

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