Chapter 6

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It had been a crazy few weeks for both Camila and Y/n. Both of their labels, unsurprisingly, loved the song and wanted the two musicians to release their collaboration as soon as possible. News of Camila being spotted leaving the well known artist's home spread like wildfire, while photos of Y/n dropping her off at her home in Beverly Hills and hugging her goodbye flooded their social media pages.

Unfortunately, because of their busy schedules and Y/n's preparations for her upcoming tour, they hadn't had time to really discuss their newfound romance. They had managed to hang out casually a couple of times since their first studio session writing Senorita, but it had been strictly under the guise of writing new music; not mention there were other people there with them in the studio.

It was currently a Sunday and Y/n's first day off in weeks. The musician had gone to the gym that morning like always and eaten breakfast, before calling the brunette to see what she was up to.


"Hey Camila, are you free today? Say around six o'clock this evening?" Y/n crossed her fingers, hoping that the other singer was free. There was a pause on the other end of the line and some shuffling, Y/n guessing that Camila was checking her calendar to see if she had anything going on that day.

"Actually you're in luck. I have a couple of meetings with my label and team, but I'll be free by five tonight. Why? What's up?"

"Well, Jay recommended this really great Italian restaurant, Chi Spacca, on Melrose. I wanted to invite you out to dinner."

There was silence on the end of the line and Y/n pulled her phone away from her ear to make sure she hadn't accidentally hung up the phone. She heard some whispers on the other line and a faint 'ow' in the background, before Camila's voice was heard.

"Like...a date?"

"Yes, I'm asking you out on a date, Ms. Cabello. If that's alright?" Y/n paced around her house, not being able to relax until she received an answer from the other woman.

"Yes, I would love to go out with you."

Y/n could hear the brunette's smile in her voice and couldn't stop her own from taking over her face. "Wonderful, I'll see you tonight at six then, Camila." Y/n hung up the phone and shot her fist in the air in excitement, just in time for her front door to swing open without her knowledge.

Jay walked in just as Y/n was in the middle of sliding across the kitchen floor in her sports bra and boxers, watching in amusement and pulling out her phone to take a quick video. "Someone's happy about something." Jay laughed as Y/n screeched and covered her crotch with both hands.

"You know, most people knock when they go into someone else's house!" Y/n emphasized as she stalked towards her bedroom, embarrassed that Jay had seen her dance. Jay followed closely behind her, eating one of the bananas from the fruit bowl.

"Yeah well you're my bestfriend so therefore what's yours is mine and vice versa. Sharing is caring, Y/n."

Y/n rolled her eyes as she threw on an old black t-shirt and some flannel pajama pants, "What if I don't care?" She smiled sarcastically and laughed when Jay gasped loudly, feigning offense.

"Is that anyway to talk to the person that just booked you an appearance on Jimmy Fallon next month?"

Y/n spun around, holding one sock in her hand as she stared at her friend in disbelief. "You got me an interview with Jimmy Fallon?! Oh my god! I love him, I love you!" The musician engulfed her unsuspecting friend in a tight hug and nuzzled her face against the other woman's.

"Yeah I know you love me, now get off of me! You're squishing my banana!"

Y/n pulled away and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at her friend, "That's what she said."

The Beautiful Musician (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now