Chapter 13

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The house was bustling with guests, the sounds of noisy chatter and laughter filling the entire space.
It was a pleasant evening, a cool breeze blowing gently through the palm trees overhead as the three figures talked outside; sat next to a large outdoor fireplace.

Y/n and Camila were seated together on a slated sectional couch; the taller woman sitting with her legs stretched and one arm wrapped around Camila as she pulled the singer in to lean against her body.

They were currently talking with Shawn, who was sitting across from them on a plush grey chair, his long legs propped up on the small glass table between them. It had been awhile since either of them had seen the curly haired singer and Y/n had insisted on inviting him that night to the get together.

"So, any new music, Shawn?" Y/n asked, curiously.

"Actually yeah! I've been working on a couple of new songs and it would be great to get your opinion on them. Are you free at all this coming week?"

Y/n thought for a moment, knowing that the VMA's were coming up soon and that her tour started the week after. She could probably fit a studio session with Shawn sometime right after the VMA's, as long as Camila didn't want to look at any properties.

"Babe, do we have anything for the next couple of weeks besides the VMA's and tour?" Y/n turned to ask her girlfriend, who was popping a grape into her mouth.

"Nope, I think you're fine as long as it's after the award show." Camila covered her mouth as she spoke, chewing on the fruit.

"Great! How does Wednesday around seven sound?" Shawn leaned forwards in his chair and smiled.

"Sounds great!"

The three artists talked a bit more, catching up on each other's lives and exchanging funny stories, Their conversation came to a halt suddenly when Camila was pulled away by one of her friends to come talk with them and some others.

The Cuban waved at the two, giggling as she was pulled away and promised that she'd be right back. Y/n watched her go, sighing as she studying Camila's retreating figure with a small smile on her lips.

"I know that look." Shawn smirked, taking a sip from his beer bottle and lifting an eyebrow towards the other singer.

"What look?"

"Don't act all oblivious. You know what I'm talking about. You're in love with her."

"What? No, that's so...what..." Y/n's voice cracked on her second 'what', fully exposing her lie as she tried sputtering out a response to the man.

She became even more flustered when she saw the unimpressed look on Shawn's face as he stared her down, daring her to lie to him again.

"Okay fine, yes I love her. I'm, without a doubt, absolutely in love with her."

Y/n felt a weight fall off her shoulders as she said the words out loud. It felt good to get it off her chest and out into the open, even if she couldn't necessarily bring herself to tell Camila at the moment.

"Have you told her yet?" Shawn came to sit next to the singer, prodding her with more questions.

"God no! We've only been dating a couple of months, what if it's too soon and it scares her away?"

"Y/n. I'm going to tell you this right now and I'm not joking with you. Camila loves you. I can tell by the way she looks at you when you're not even paying attention. She looks at you like you hung the damn moon in the sky! Believe me when I say this to you. You can say it now or wait until later, but the fact that she loves you will never change. Her heart's yours."

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