Newsflash. Damage control

Start from the beginning

Cinder continued. "Just think about that alright? Now, let's go get this cage!" Velvet smiled and hugged her saying. "I wish you could be my mom." Cinder laughed and said. "If i was, my headmaster would kill me." That did the trick of making velvet laugh, and then they left for the pet store.

Cinder pov pet store

After they got the cage with the workout wheel, they left the store. "Miss fall, can i hold your hand?" Cinder didn't like it, but she said with a fake smile. "Yeah, of course you can." Emerald noticed this, and asked. "Hey mom?" Cinder looked at her, and emerald signed. [why are you forcing a smile?] Cinder falterd. 'she knows my fake smile! that's going to be dangerous moving forward' Cinder replied. [i don't like touching people. you kids and roman are the exception. but she needs this, no matter how i feel]

Emerald smiled and said. "I love you velvet, me and mom both do. She doesn't even like holding hands and yet she does for you!" Velvet looked shocked, and cinder looked betrayed but emerald smirked and said. "We won't let anyone hurt you, ever. I'm gonna get you a scroll so that you can give the team status updates everyday!" Cinder replied. "Um with what money!?" Emerald gave her a Torchwick grin and said. "With this money." As she produced a wallet that was stuffed with lein. "Where did you get that kind of money?" Emerald responded. "We kind of looted some bodies when we fought those infected faunus."

Cinder replied. "I don't know if i should be proud or disappointed... i'll settle for neutral. Fine we can get velvet a scroll, but you just have to but it. I'll deal with the monthly payment." Just then her scroll went off. "Huh? Why's qrow calling me? Girls why don't you run ahead i need to take this." They said. ""Okay!"" And ran ahead.

She hit answer. "Hello?" He replied. "Hey firework how's school?" Cinder snapped. "Don't call me firework! Only roman can!" He said. "Woah! okay geez, just trying ta break the ice." Cinder replied. "What do you need old bird?" Qrow said. "Ouch, i'm only 29. But anyway, i wanted to let ya know that i'm gonna be fostering the bunny kid." Cinder indignantly replied. "Her name is velvet, and why? What's your end game?" He chuckled and replied. "Paranoid much." She then said. "Yeah considering ruby just lost her legs! And it was because some monster grimm machine thing, wanted the fall maiden!" He then seriously said. "Oh my gods is she okay? Do you need me there in case of more attacks?"

"Yeah probably! But who wanted me dead qrow!?" He hesitated but ultimately said. "Look, talk to my sister, she'll have more to tell you about this then i can. But i'm on my way, stay safe and stick close to the belladonna's." Cinder relaxed a bit at his reassuringly gruff voice, saying. "Okay qrow, but ozpin better tell me everything after i come home. And i mean everything." He then finished. "If he's smart he will, i'll back you up, and maybe raven will too. But i need to stop by beacon academy, and grab some things and then we will be there in no time."

Cinder then said. "Heh, drinks on me if you get here soon." He chuckled and said. "Cheers to that!" He then hung up, and cinder texted roman (Qrow will be fostering velvet apparently, how is my pyro gem?) Then a moment later roman replied (Weird, thought he'd never be the type to care for a kid, well i thought the same for me i suppose. She's been doing fine, she's using her semblance to fish with me on the docks. Our daughter is a natural born hustler!) Cinder smiled and sent (Like father like daughter Mr Torchwick, make sure she's making money or generating goodwill with the people.) He sent (Yeah yeah, we know party pooper, have a good shopping trip!)

Cinder then looked up at the sky for a moment, feeling the breeze. Smelling the salty air, feeling the heat of the sun on her skin and taking a deep calming breath. "Wow, it really is peaceful here. Maybe i'll retire here when i'm 70." She then slapped her cheeks saying. "But now is not the time to stop and smell the roses!" And then she went to find the girls. She found them eating some snacks by a food cart, upon noticing her emerald said. "Oh! Hey mom! We got her the most durable scroll and case lein could buy! She's kind of a clutz." Velvet blushed and smacked her saying. "No i'm not! I just trip and drop things sometimes."

a mother's protection spellWhere stories live. Discover now