The Painful Truth

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His hand reached out and I just slapped it away. The amount of daggers that have just pierced through me again was too much to handle, "No. I have moved on. Remus is like a brother to me at this point and you are the only person I'm capable of loving. You on the other hand are a petty little asshole."

For some reason his temper began to rise in response. The concern swept away as he stepped closer trying to intimidate me, "Y/n."

"LET ME SPEAK! You say you love me and only me! You say you've moved on! In reality I'm just the rebound though...The one you wouldn't have even thought of if she liked you back from the start." I took a breath, my mouth was moving faster than my mind, "Now you either admit it to me right here right now or we'll be through."

He stood there with a clenched jaw, frustrated and yet so close to tears, "If Remus took you back and I said I loved you fully you'd still choose him."

I scoffed, disgusted by he rebuttal, "Absolutely not!"

He stepped forward and towered over me, "Yes you would darling."

"I thought you read my fucking diaries! I have loved you since DAY ONE! At first glance I knew I saw a future with you. I knew then and there that I wanted to marry you!" He lost his tongue. "So then, are you gonna admit it or just keep trying to rebound this onto me."

He stuttered and was trying so hard to contain eye contact, "Lily saved me and gave me hope even though I was being abused at home. Obviously I would fall in love and now that she's gone I never got that closure-"

I shoved him back with my one arm, "UGH SERIOUSLY CUT THE BULLSHIT! Cut the excuses Severus. Just say it, you love a dead girl more than your own living spouse!"

He took another step forward pressing our bodies together, "Darling I love you more. Just my dedication to helping Harry is motivated by Lily."

I went to push him away again but instead howled in pain, "Fuck this shoulder!" The tears that I thought I already released flooded down my face as I used my only arm to hit him repeatedly, "I want to believe you so badly but I've seen for years how you looked at her and it never has once compared to how you look at me."

He gently pulled me close and began to walk out of the room, "Shh, you're two different people."

"But she's prettier, she's a girl, she's good and not Voldemort's dark child, she literally looked like a glowing angel!"

He rubbed my non-injured arm, "Stop comparing yourself to her. I love you and that's all that really matters. Now then will you walk a little faster so we can get that shoulder fixed before that cloth starts to drip blood."

I rolled my eyes and grunted, "Fine I'll walk faster!"

He took a deep breath and was starting to sound annoyed but still stayed calm, "Don't get that attitude with me."

"I'll do what I want, Snape." His grip on my good shoulder increased as his nails dug into my clothing. I blinked and noticed our route had changed and we were heading to our chambers. "Is my shoulder no longer a concern?" There was no response. Why is he mad? Last I checked I'm the one who has had their heart ripped from their chest, I was the one betrayed.

The chamber doors opened with a wave from his wand then slammed shut shaking the room. He released me as he swept over through the bedroom door to his night stand, "Sit."

"Is there a reason why?" His drawer then screeched as it was slammed and he held up two small vials.

"I need to repair the major damage you've caused to your shoulder and wrap it." I hesitantly sat down on our bed which he followed sitting beside me.

"Is that truth serum?" He looked at the slightly smaller vial and shot it down his throat.

"Yes, now your shoulder." I turned, allowing him to get a better look. "This'll sting." Without warning my whole arm gained back feeling and it felt scorching.

"GOD FUCK! Severus, how could you!"

"I'm sorry but it needs to be healed and this Veritaserum won't last long so hurry." I shifted in my seat and flinched as bandages began to wrap around my whole arm.

"Do you still love Lily Evans?"

He leaned down kissing my neck before guiltily leaning away, "Yes."

"I knew know Severus my heart shattered on the floor when you used that Patronus charm! Mines a ferret!"

"I love you more than her." I stopped screaming and turned away from him, "Fifth year, before I lost Lily as a friend...that's when I fell in love with you." The bed shifted as he scooted closer and his hands crept around my waist, "I realized how delicate and absolutely breathtaking you are. My mind was flooded with just the thought of I wanted to hold you close and cherish you. I however was too late when I had the courage to tell you." His soft lips pressed against my neck, his hair falling and tickling my jaw.

"You...all that time you really did love..."

His breathing deepened and brushed against my neck sending delightful tingles down my body, "Always." My heart that seemed unfixable began to slowly mend itself.

"Severus," His lips attached to my neck again sucking gently, "I love you."

He smiled against my neck, "I love you too." His hand intertwined with mine and I felt so calm till he swung my arm above my head slamming me into the bed. Severus hovered above me, he stayed there between my legs.

I stared into his dark twinkling eyes, my face just getting hotter, "Sev-" His mouth hungrily attached to mine his warm tongue pushed through my lips swirling around down my throat. His long kisses trailed away from my mouth and down my neck, "Severus what happened to trying to distance ourselves." I let out a muffled moan as his free hand covered my mouth.

"Shush. I don't care about that. Just be my good little slut and let me fuck you." I raised my eyebrows completely shocked as his hand released my mouth and trailed to guiding my hips, my entrance aligned with his bulge.

A Life at Hogwarts Part 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon