Chapter 18

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"Actually, Arthur," Merial said, stopping him before he could leave the room. "Could you stay? We do have one more issue that I feel we could use your input on."

Arthur stopped and turned back around as Bairon and Mica continued to leave. Mica was of course happy to get out of there, she found talks of economics and other issues the council dealt with boring, although she was curious about the train that was supposed to be traveling underground. Bairon on the other hand found it annoying that the council sometimes listened to the opinion of a child in matters of how the continent was run, but it wasn't like he knew much about topics unrelated to military needs and operations.

"Of course," Arthur replied with a slight bow then stepped back to his position in the circle.

Merial looked to Virion, who was still looking over Arthur's list very thoroughly.

"Commander," she started, giving him an expectant look.

"Hmm?" He replied, looking up from the papers and catching her eyes. "Oh yes yes, I apologize." He stored the papers in his ring for later, and a brown folder replaced them. "Ahem. Arthur, around the time you left for your training with the Asura, we decided to take a census of sorts. Its purpose was to not only have an accurate idea of our population in terms of sending emergency supplies if needed or evacuation, but to also know the number of able bodied citizens if we ever became desperate for soldiers." He handed Arthur the folder. "We've continued this annually, and have been noticing a trend over these last few years."

"A steep drop in the number of children being born," Arthur answered as he flipped through several charts.

"Exactly," Virion replied, happy but not at all surprised he was keeping up. "Now tell me, what are your thoughts about this?"

"It's not really all that surprising." Arthur closed the folder. "We're in the middle of a war. So many men and women in the age range where they would probably normally be starting families are instead fighting. Even those with husbands, wives, or even lovers back home, when they do see them I can imagine stress from the constant combat, coupled with uncertainty of whether or not they'll live to see their children grow up, the idea of potentially conceiving a child is an idea they push back till after the war."

"And how do you think we can resolve it?" Alduin asked with a small smile.

Arthur noticed this and realized they were plotting something, but continued as he tried to figure out their goal.

"Win the war. This issue will resolve itself once a degree of stability begins to set in."

"But we have no idea when we'll actually win the war, it could take years," Buhnd added.

Even though Arthur could see his face, his beard hid most of it. The look in his eyes though told Arthur he was also in on this, probably at Virion's request. Arthur was now pretty confident he knew where this was going, but decided to keep playing along.

"Well, the only other way I can see that this could be turned around, would be to take a well known couple that has been highly involved in the war, and highly publicize them getting married. Make it into the event of the decade so to speak. Seeing them continuing on with their lives despite the war, will put many at ease and in theory be more open to the idea of having kids." Arthur appeared deep in thought. "Council members Glayder, if I recall correctly Kathyln and Lunaris are pretty serious."

"What?!" Blaine said with wide eyes with a combination of shock and disbelief, his wife mirroring his expression.

"Even though I doubt she'd be thrilled with her wedding being used like that, I'm sure she could be convinced and will ultimately be happy to be marrying someone she loves so much."

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