Chapter 7

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Author's Note's:
My last shot against that damned cat! Will this be my victory? Let's wait and see.

Arthur and Sylvie were flying across the sky towards the floating castle. It had been two days since they had completed their missions, and a little sadly that was all they completed. It seems that winning these battles in such overwhelming victory had caused a greater change to the timeline than Arthur had expected.

For two days Arthur and Sylvie sat perfectly still in the Captain's tent without eating or drinking. At first it was as if Trodius was walking on eggshells, making sure that he wasn't even too loud. Eventually however he began to function as he normally did, since it seemed that there meditative state was so deep that they would never wake up unless they wanted to.

That morning Arthur finally got some luck, and Trodius' co-conspirators finally showed up. They were of course still cautious around Arthur, and created a wind barrier to dampen their voices while they spoke.

Arthur's meditative state wasn't just to lull them into a false sense of security, but also for him to re-familiarize himself with how to use mana. Being in the integration stage had turned out to be more accommodating to this than Arthur had expected. For starters, his mana core had essentially deconstructed and lined the inside of his entire body, essentially turning his whole body into a mana core that could heal. Secondly the mana around him responded so much more harmoniously than ever before, as if it were truly a part of his body.

The biggest benefit of this was in relation to his aether core. He still would still occasionally experience pain from his core, but now it was far more tolerable and more of an annoyance than anything.

So as the conspirators spoke freely within their little wind bubble, Arthur was easily able to use sound magic to hear every single word they said. Interestingly, it seemed that Trodius had had a change of heart on their treason, and stopped himself before he actually did anything wrong. Apparently Arthur single handedly defeating the beast horde re-sparked his passion and faith that they could win the war. They of course couldn't comprehend this, and tried to convince him to continue helping with their new plan. He of course refused and had no problem pointing out every little illegal activity the other four had committed in preparation for this.

Seeing as it was clear Trodius wasn't going to do anything to incriminate himself, Arthur decided he might as well move again, and deal with the traitors. They were completely focused on arguing with Trodius, as he was focused on arguing with them. Trodius only blinked for a split second, but out of nowhere Arthur had suddenly appeared behind them. He was frozen and at a loss for words, catching their attention, and causing them to turn around.

Arthur remained silent as he stared them down expressionlessly, and dispersed their wind spell. They tried to throw a fit about it, how he was interrupting a private conversation, but Arthur's patience for bull shit was nearly non-existent. He simply released the pressure from his core, causing everyone including Trodius to collapse to the ground as their legs felt like jelly. He reigned in the pressure again and explained how he heard everything, followed by telling Trodius to lock them up for treason. They of course tried to talk their way out of it, even trying to bribe him, thinking since he was born a commoner he would always be looking to make it rich. Even Trodius scoffed when he heard them, knowing with his position as a Lance alone, Arthur didn't need to ever worry about money ever again.

Arthur just grabbed two of them by the head and released a pulse of sound magic that rendered them unconscious. The other two tried to run, but Sylvie grabbed one by the collar and grabbed him back, as the other returned on his own after seeing Regis blocking the exit while growling menacingly.

With the traitors being escorted to a cell Arthur ordered Trodius to gather all of the evidence he needed to have the council take action against them, as well as his own testimony, and have it sent to the castle as soon as possible. As Arthur left he gave Trodius a warning, that if he had actually worked with them that he would have personally dismantled the entire house of Flamesworth, leaving the only honor left to those few innocent members who had earned their own honor during the war.

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