It was only little things at first. The occasional foot in Yeosang's path causing him to trip, or accidentally bumping shoulders just a little too hard. But as the game went on, Jongho grew bolder and more vicious to the point of full on body-slamming Yeosang.

Despite everything that had occured recently, Hongjoong just put it down the the chaotic competitive spirit of his members. He and Seonghwa would occasionally just remind them to calm down a little and be careful.

But Jongho's confidence at not being caught was his downfall. As Yeosang tried to take the ball from him, Jongho hooked his leg around Yeosang and elbowed him sharply in the chest. Yeosang fell heavily to the ground, grunting as he was left breathless and hurt.


All of the members were startled as one of the camera crew yelled at them and lowered his camera angrily.

"Are you playing or fighting right now?"

Hongjoong looked around in confusion to see Wooyoung helping Yeosang to his feet. Yeosang looked close to tears, his hand pressed against his chest where he had been struck. His heart sinking as he realised just what Jongho had been up to all along, Hongjoong turned to look to the culprit. The maknae's gaze almost sent a shiver down his spine. It was a mean spiteful look, with a glint of satisfaction.

Jongho watched Yeosang struggling to rise with a cold indifference. It serves you right, he thought. If anything, it was the resentment and jealousy that swirled within him, whispering like a devil on his shoulder, as his older members crowded about Yeosang.

"Apologise to him now," Hongjoong's voice rose as his anger suddenly flared. Beside him, Seonghwa moved to rest his hand on the leader's arm, partially to calm him, but also to hold him back as he looked ready to strike the maknae.

Jongho stared stubbornly straight ahead. "I won't apologise for something I am not sorry for."

"Jongho, don't do this in front of the staff," Seonghwa murmured in a low voice. It sounded more like a plea than a command, and that only made Jongho all the more defiant.

"Or what?"

Hongjoong was by his side in an instant. "Drop that tone and apologise, or I will deal with you right here in front of the staff."

There was a long awful silence as Jongho glanced fearfully at the staff who watched them angrily. Behind them, stood their manager. But his gaze was upon the oblivious leader, not the disobedient and defiant maknae. Seeing him made Jongho feel worse than ever. Why was Hongjoong threatened him, after so willingly sacrificing himself for Yeosang's sake? Did his beloved leader not care about him anymore? Raising his head, he stared around at all the other members. They still stood about Yeosang, their arms about him comfortingly. Some of them shot angry glares his way, causing him to lower his head again. Did none of his hyungs love him?


Hongjoong's voice was low and warning. Jongho knew it was probably the last chance he was giving. He also knew exactly what was being expected of him. Feeling empty and defeated, he bowed his head low.

"I am sorry, Hongjoong-hyung." He turned towards the staff and bowed even lower. "I apologise for my behaviour. It was unacceptable."

The staff shrugged, his anger fading as he saw how upset the young man was. "Boys will be boys, I suppose. Lets just leave it here for today. We will have to reschedule it for a different time."

The staff began clearing the cameras up. Jongho turned to see Hongjoong eyeing him closely.

"You have to apologise to Yeosang too, Jongho," the leader told him sternly.

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