Chapter 07: The Road has been Blocked!

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Six hours ago.

Several soldiers and magicians of the royal court were standing on either side of the palace room. In the center, there was a round table where two men of different ages were sitting in their chairs. One was the King of Heiligh and the other was the Pope of the Holy Church.

The room was permeated with an oppressive atmosphere as they looked at each other.

"Are you sure what you said is correct?" The King asked as he looked at the Pope with a serious expression.

"In the name of Lord Ehit, everything I have said is true!. If you want to confirm it, we even have all the girls who have been victims".

"Sigh~, no need. All I wonder now is how I will be able to mention this in front of my daughter...". He sighed and leaned back in his chair, tired.

The Pope's eyes sparkled for a moment: "There is no need to mention it directly to her. How about tomorrow morning we make this information public? That way, she will have no choice but to accept it."

The king contemplated the Pope's words for a few seconds and nodded: "Then it will be done. But then we have to act before we inform the public. We don't want him to escape, do we?"

"Don't worry about the preparations, I already have all the arrangements to mobilize tonight". Said the Pope with a soft, calm smile.

The topic of conversation was, of course, Nader. Who was now reading in the library without knowing what was going on behind his back.

It had all started this morning when Pope Ishtar had begun to weave plans to use against Nader. As manipulative as the Pope turned out to be, it wasn't so hard for him to do some behind-the-scenes scheming.

He was someone who wanted to have everything under control, including power. When he had found out about Nader's absurd stats being only a level one, he wanted to get him under control, or if he couldn't, annihilate him before he grew up. He couldn't allow such a dangerous bomb to be on the loose.

This would also apply to Kouki if he were smarter, but to his luck, Kouki turned out to be quite dense as a child. However, what benefited the Pope the most was undoubtedly Kouki's idealism.

"Then, our discussions are over, for now, Eliheid". Said the Pope, and they both rose from their chairs as they shook hands.

"By the way, put Meld Loggins in charge to take Lord Ehit's chosen ones on an expedition tomorrow into the Great Orcus Labyrinth for training".

"Very well!" Nodded the King.

Even though he was the King of Heiligh, he treated him as if the Pope was in a higher position than him. This made things much easier for the Pope.

Just as the Pope walked out the door of the room, his calm smile was replaced by a distorted smile.

The King watched the Pope's back until he disappeared around the corner of the door, turned around, and said:

"Listen, everyone! Tonight, fifty warriors and fifty wizards will be mobilized together with the bishops! You heard everything that has happened, and I don't want any of you to infiltrate what you have heard! Understood?!".

"Understood, Sir!".

"Someone go and inform Captain Meld Loggins that I need him present here in twenty minutes! He should be with the heroes by now. That's it, you're dismissed".

The soldiers bowed before heading in ranks and exiting the room, leaving the King with a solemn expression.

"Sigh~, tomorrow will be a busy day...".

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