(1-5) Special Visitor

Depuis le début

"That's a pretty nice limo out there, wonder who came in that." The class ran over to the  window to gaze out of it. Just as Juro had said, a nice, matte black limousine sat outside the school building.

"Whoever it is, it's not like we'll find out. Only those in 4 class and above get special visitors." Tatsuo replied, almost sounding kinda disappointed. The class slowly took their seats again. Nagisa looked back at the roll book after the second distraction. Then he heard the door open. What now?

His question was answered soon enough.

"Hey Nagisa!" Squealed a smallish brunette girl who had just burst through the door.

"Kayano.."  Nagisa began, shocked.

Shizuka stood up and screamed. "Haruna Mase oh my god I finally get to meet you oh my god. Wait. Kayano?" She looked blankly between the two adults at the front of the class. It was Kayano who answered the question.

"That's the fake name I gave myself when I went to Nagisa's junior high school." She smiled.

"Wait, you went to the same school as our teacher?" The class all said unison.

"Yep, as a matter of fact I also had a crush on him towards the end of our second year."

"A crush?" The class shouted in unison once more. Nagisa was stood in the corner of the room at this point confused by everything that had happened in the last three minutes. His friend Kayano had barged in, almost made Shizuka break glass with her squealing and the had just announced she had a crush on him. A crush. On him.

"That's news to me." The bluenette stated.

"Christ Nagisa, your even denser than Karasuma sensei. You really didn't notice?"

That really sent the classes minds into overdrive. Our teacher was completely oblivious to the crush the legendary Haruna Mase had on him. What?  

"Anyway Kayano, I think that's enough about my history don't you think." Nagisa said as he pushed the brunette out of the classroom. "Shall we meet up later for a coffee? Say three?"

"That would be lovely Nagisa. Bye class." Kayano shouted as Nagisa slammed the door. He then turned around to be met with the confused faces of fourteen high school students.

"Okay, were obviously not going to get any work done today thanks to Kayano, so you can all go home." The class wasted no time in leaving, eager to update their bowl of knowledge on Nagisa Sensei.

Nagisa collapsed into his chair. What a day.
----------------------TIME SKIP!--------------------------

At three , Nagisa walked into the cafe nearby his school. As expected, the excitable brunette that was Kaede Kayano was already sat down at a table. Nagisa joined her.

"Hello Nagisa."

"Hey Kayano."

"I'm sorry about earlier, I just couldn't resist popping in and seeing your wonderful class."

"I would describe my class in a lot of different ways, but wonderful isn't one of them."

"Why, are they that bad?"

"Yeah, think E class, but older and without the input of Korosensei."

Their conversation was interrupted by the appearance of the waitress.

"Nagisa? Kayano? Is that you?" Upon hearing this, the bluenette turned to look at the waitress and his face lit up in surprise.

"Hara, I didn't realize you worked here."

"It's training work as part of my college course, but I hope some day to work full time in a cafe like this. Anyway, can I take your order?"

"Yeah, I'll have a coffee and whatever the speciality cake is thanks." Said Nagisa. Kayano said she would have the same

"Hey, I've almost finished my shift, do you mind if I join you in a sec?"

"Yeah that's fine Hara." The bluenette replied, prompting the waitress to walk off to collect their orders.

"So Kayano, you really had a crush on me?"

"Yeah, it was so obvious, I was surprised you hadn't noticed."

"I kind of do feel stupid now, but did you really have to announce it to my whole class?"

"Yeah, I think I could have been a bit more subtle, but your reaction was funny."

Nagisa sighed. "Just to check, do you still have feelings for me?"

"No. All gone. Your my friend and that's it. How are you and Karma anyway?"

"Were fine. He's got a new job at the ministry of economics and is enjoying the feel of power. What about you? Any relationships of your own?"

"I wish. Being an actor, you don't really get to socialize with normal people. It's all security when I'm out so I  don't get mobbed by the paparazzi."

At this point, Hara appeared with their food. She had taken her apron off and had got herself a coffee. The three sat and talked for a while about life and the things they had gotten up to in the past seven years.

However, what they didn't realize was Shizuka sat in the corner of the room, listening in to their conversation.

The Secret Life Of Nagisa SenseiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant