Trapped In A Nightmare (3)

Start from the beginning


"So what is the catch and release?"

Buffy snorts softly as she glances up from her Thai food to eye the very confused Chris who had been staring at her like she was crazy. To be fair, catch and release was a terrible plan, she knew that it was risky, but it was almost 100% effective when it came to getting information, that's if it didn't result in her death.
"There is a $15 million bounty on my head in the demon community. It gets increased if I am brought in alive." She explains shoveling noodles into her mouth before reaching for the tater tots she had also ordered.

When it came to take out food, Buffy did not play games, there were always multiple places at once, which to be honest, left quite a few very confused delivery boys standing in her doorway wondering if this was a trap.

But hey, the food was totally worth it to her.

"I allow a demon to catch me, preferably a stupid one..." She continues barely noticing the horrified look forming on Chris's face as he stared at her like she was completely insane "They take me to a holding place, tie me up you know the whole shebang, and while he is bragging about his capture of The Slayer if he is cocky enough he'll start naming off all of Ward's demon contacts that couldn't catch me. Then poof."

Chris couldn't help but sputter as he stared at the blonde in disbelief, this plan was completely insane and dangerous, but... if it worked then it could be a big jump forward in her plans in figuring out just how far Ward's connections in the underground spread "And what am I supposed to do while you're getting tortured?"

"I don't maybe a crossword?" Buffy suggests with a small shrug before grabbing a cookie off the plate in the center of her coffee table tossing it into her mouth playfully "Just don't try and rescue me. Will not work well. But if they start trying to drown me, then you can help. I really hate it when they drown me."

Chris couldn't help but chuckle before tossing an M&M at her, hitting her right between the eyes as she giggles "Everything you're saying worries me."

"I have that effect on people."



With her legs swinging back and forth off the edge of the docks, Buffy sighs as she continues to flip through the maps and articles, she had managed to sneak out of the library before the brunette girl Belle had shown up causing the blonde to quickly have to run out.
She was looking for anything, any sign of magic in a world with no magic.

While this town may have magic from the Enchanted Forest, Buffy knew the second she left town she would be at a complete disadvantage, she would be entering a world where there was no magic so it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but she knew there had to be something.
Whistler had been able to travel to this world through a portal to collect her 26 years ago, which meant that while this world may not have magic, it didn't mean that the world was completely magic free.
All it took was for one warlock, Shamon, or demon to create a portal to this world, using this world as a place to hide and make a little money. She could imagine that Warlocks powerful enough may come here to make some extra money as it wouldn't take a lot to impress the people of this world.

Which meant, that all she had to do was find her needle and force it to bring her home.

She refused to believe there was no way of her getting home. There was always a way, she had learned that enough during her time in Sunnydale.

As her eyes land on an article about a shaman in Hong Kong doing parlor tricks, Buffy brings the bottle of whiskey she had stolen to her lips before circling Hong Kong on her list of places to try.
 This also meant somehow she was going to have to get a hold of a passport and given her hacker was back home, she would be starting from scratch again.

Moving to grab the next page from her file, Buffy freezes as she hears a small scream echo through the seemingly quiet docks. Turning her head, the blonde feels her spidey sense go crazy as her eyes land on an empty port, or what seemed like an empty port.
Something was weird she could feel it, plus the water around that port seemed to be flowing in another direction compared to the rest of the lake.

Tossing her maps and notes back into her bag, the blonde climbs up to her feet; throwing her things over her shoulder before slowly making her way towards the empty port.
Eyeing the area closely, Buffy tilts her head curiously before on a hunch she tosses the now empty bottle of whiskey into the air and as she expected, instead of falling into the water, the bottle shattered mid-air as it crashed into something solid and very much invisible.

Grinning like a Chester cat, Buffy makes her way towards what she could only guess was an invisible boat and raises her hands towards the area, trying to connect them with something more solid.
Feeling her hand connect with something solid the blonde's eyes widen in excitement "Please be an invisible ship, please be an invisible ship..." She mumbles under her breath as she slowly steps onto the ship crossing the barrier, finally allowing herself to see what had once been hidden from view.

Sure enough, Buffy couldn't help but giggle as she realized she was actually standing in the middle of a pirate ship "Yay!" She cheers before instantly she reaches for the scythe as she hears a scuffle from below deck.

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