• Chapter Thirty •

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"Mon ange," Manik screamed, startling everyone in the room

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"Mon ange," Manik screamed, startling everyone in the room. He ran to embrace Nandani's lifeless body. His hands, now drenched in her blood trembled. Gasping for breath, he struggled to find the words that would never come.

"Boss, I got to know from my reliable sources that the police and paparazzi are only a few kilometers away. We need to leave immediately before they arrive,"Adam informed.

However, Manik was caught in a battle with his inner demons. Adam's words didn't seem to affect him; he felt numb. Tears streamed down his face, like a helpless child, as he wept. Death had never frightened him so deeply, nor had the act of taking a life ever filled him with such dread.

"Manik, bud, let's go from here," Cabir implored. Manik resisted, forcefully pushing Cabir away.

"No, I will not abandon her," Manik shouted. "I will stay here, beside my beloved angel."

Abhimanyu interjected. "Oh, Manik, come on. Stop acting like a child. You killed Nandani. Your angel is dead. Nothing in this world can bring her back to you."

"If you do not leave this place, the consequences will be dire. The cops and paparazzi will be here, anytime. I fear, this time, we may not be able to protect you from the storm that awaits," Peter said.

Manik's voice quivered as he spoke, "I will surrender. I have committed a grave sin. How could I, in a moment of madness, take the life of my beloved angel? I do not even deserve to be forgiven."

"Manik, champ, listen to what I am saying. This can be discussed further later. First and foremost, let's get home," Cabir said softly.

"I am a beast, Cabir. I claimed to love her, but I killed her with these hands," Manik sobbed. "You were right, mon ange; a devil like me cannot understand the meaning of true love."

"Hey, Manik! We understand your pain, but we can't change what happened to Nandani. She is gone. You are only hurting yourself more. Let's get out from here before the cops arrive," Mukti pleaded desperately.

Manik had lost his sanity. He kept on muttering, "I... I sinned. I've committed a grave sin. I am a sinner... I am a sinner."

"Cabir, this guy has lost his mind. We need to get out of here. He will certainly be incarcerated, and if we stay here, we'll be caught in the crossfire. Neither he nor we can save ourselves," Abhimanyu exclaimed.

Cabir gave a subtle nod, signalling for everyone to make their escape.

"What about you?" Mukti inquired, concern etched on her face.

"I won't leave him alone," Cabir retorted. "Speak with the attorneys. If Manik and I are detained, get us out within 48 hours."

Abhimanyu became enraged. "Come on, Cabir! Atleast not you. Don't be a fool."

Cabir's gaze hardened, his tone turning firm. "I won't say it again. Everyone, leave."


Damon's trembling fingers dialed Officer Xavier's number. "Xavier, where are you? Did you reach the farmhouse. I'm terrified. I've been trying to reach Aryaman and Nandani, but they're not answering my calls. Lucifer is a lunatic. He can do anything."

Officer Xavier retorted. "I understand, Damon. We're just a few minutes away. Hold on tight. I'll keep you updated."

Officer Xavier issued a command to his fellow officers. "Shoot to kill if Lucifer attempts to flee. We need to arrest him, dead or alive. He must be in our custody!"


Cabir's efforts to convince his best friend to escape went in vain as Manik remained unmoved. He was sitting on the floor, gently tousling Nandani's hair.

Cabir became alert as he heard the sirens approaching. However, Manik did not appear to be affected. He remained still. Cabir acted swiftly. He messaged Abhimanyu, informing him of the situation. "The cops are here. We are about to get arrested. Seek advice from the best attorneys. Keep an eye on the news. The paparazzi is also on the scene! Act quickly and prudently!"

The moment Cabir hit the send button, the farmhouse was swarmed by cops and paparazzi. Their eyes widened with horror as they saw Nandani's lifeless body laying on the floor. They surrounded Manik with raised rifles aimed at him.

"Hands up, Lucifer," Officer Xavier barked. "If you value your life, surrender now."

Manik, however, remained lost in his own world. He did not utter a word. The other officer, becoming impatient, growled. "Enough of this charade, Lucifer. Raise your hands, or I will put a bullet through your head."

Nonetheless, Manik appeared unaffected by their threats. He gently ruffled and fiddled with Nandani's hair.

Officer Xavier grabbed Manik's collar and yanked him up, his grip tight and firm. As Nandani's head hit the ground, Manik became furious. With a clenched fist, he attacked Xavier. "You bastard! How dare you hurt my angel!" he roared.

Cabir attempted to stop Manik, fully aware of the dire repercussions that awaited him. Yet, his efforts proved futile Blow after blow, Manik unleashed his fury upon Xavier, until a single bullet pierced his right shoulder, causing him to lose his balance and collapse on the floor. He was surrounded by a merciless circle of officers who brutally assaulted him.

"Please...please, I beg you to stop," Cabir's voice quivered, his words echoing through the farmhouse. "He will surrender, please don't hurt him."

Manik suffered serious injuries. His bones were fractured, and his body had been battered and bloodied. Officer Xavier grabbed his collar again, this time with an iron grip and handcuffed him. He began to drag Manik towards the farmhouse's exit.

But Manik managed to muster his strength. He pushed Officer Xavier and ran towards Nandani. The officers assumed he was attempting to flee and therefore shot him in the abdomen.

Manik collapsed to the floor once more, surrounded by a pool of blood. Inch by inch, he dragged his broken body closer to Nandani's lifeless form. With trembling hands, he reached out, yearning to cradle her in his arms, to hold her close and find solace in her arms.

Cabir tried to save his best friend, but was forcefully pushed aside by the officers. Officer Xavier, grabbed Manik by his hair, causing tears to stream down his face. 

Manik's voice trembled as he pleaded, "If you want, take my life. But please, don't take me away from my angel."

Officer Xavier retorted, "Lucifer, if it were in my hands, I would have given you a painful death. But my hands are tied. You will die, for sure. I will ensure that the court issues a death sentence for you.

As the officers dragged Manik away, he kept looking back, hoping to catch one last glimpse of his angel.

As the officers dragged Manik away, he kept looking back, hoping to catch one last glimpse of his angel

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