• Chapter Twenty- Nine •

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As soon as Lucifer and his gang entered the farmhouse, Aryaman grabbed Nandani's arm and hid behind the sofa

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As soon as Lucifer and his gang entered the farmhouse, Aryaman grabbed Nandani's arm and hid behind the sofa. Nandani's heart raced, her breathing was erratic.

"Everything will be fine, Nandu," Aryaman whispered. "Police and paparazzi will arrive shortly. Trust me, baby, everything will be okay. Calm down."

Manik's voice reverberated through the room. "Look everywhere. They must be hiding somewhere around here. Find Nandani and Aryaman, and bring them to me!" he commanded, kicking a nearby chair.

Nandani gasped as the chair toppled to the floor, drawing Manik's attention. His gaze remained fixed on the couch, and a knowing smile danced across his lips. "Mon Ange," he called out. "I am tired of playing hide and seek. I can see you there, my good girl. Come out of your hiding place."

"Doc, there is no point in running now," Nandani lamented. "I'll surrender to him. Please, go away from here. At least, you will be safe. He will not hurt you."

"Nandani, hey!" Aryaman pleaded. "Don't even think of succumbing to that monster's whims. Please don't be a fool."

Nandani's voice quivered as tears streamed down her face. "I cannot bear the thought of losing you," she wailed. "I have already lost everyone close to me."

"I understand," Aryaman reassured, his voice soft and soothing. "But we cannot let that fear guide our decisions."

The sound of footsteps grew nearer. Aryaman's heart was pounding wildly. Though he had promised Nandani that they would be out of there soon, deep down he knew that escaping the devil's clutches was impossible.

Manik aimed his pistol on Aryaman's head and hauled him out by his collar.

Nandani clutched his hands as tightly as she could, infuriating Manik. He pushed Arya to the ground and started punching him.

Nandani attempted to pull him back, but to no avail. She implored, "Please, Lucifer, spare Aryaman. I beg you. The pain of losing everyone I loved is already unbearable. Let him go."

Manik's eyes blazed with fury as he yanked Nandani closer, his grip tightening on her hair. "You dare to love him?" he snarled. "Then he has to pay the price, mon amour. He must die so you understand that your heart belongs only to me. And don't blame me for Navya and Richard's deaths. It's your fault. I already warned you that running from me would bring tragedy to those you hold dear, didn't I?"

Nandani's eyes were full of tears.

"Whisper those three words to me, mon ange," Manik said softly, his warm breath caressing her earlobe.

Aryaman screamed, "Let her go, you salaud!"

Manik shot him in his torso.

"Lucifer," Nandani shrieked in terror, her voice trembling with fear. "I love you, Lucifer. I love you to the moon and back. Please, spare his life."

Manik's fingers slipped the gun back into his pocket, his lips crashing into Nandani's in a passionate kiss that left her breathless. He pushed her against a wall and attacked her neck with love bites. Nandani screamed out in pain. "Stop----It hurts."

Manik took a step back. He gently brushed away her tears, his thumb rubbing her lips. 

He whispered, "You are coming with me, mon amour, and this time I am not going to let you go. "You are mine forever."

Nandani cried, "Do you really think you have won, Lucifer? You forced me to say those three words, but let me make one thing crystal clear: I don't love you at all. My heart beats only for Dhruv. You are nothing more than a monster. How could you carry out such heinous acts? Ram, Dhruv, Richard, Navya—how could you take so many lives? A monster like you, will never understand what love is. It is beyond your comprehension, Lucifer."

Manik interjected, "Everything I have done, I did it out of an overwhelming love for you. Why can't you see that?

Nandani's voice quivered with disbelief and sorrow, "You carried out these barbaric acts in the name of love. Oh, how could you stoop that low? Love is a pure emotion. Your actions reveal the true darkness that resides within you. You are a beast who does not understand love. After all, how could a Lucifer know what true love is?"

Nandani went on, "You know what, Lucifer? You are heartless like your parents. You are as heartless as the men who raped your sister. You are heartless, just like everyone who has ruined your life. There is no difference between you and them! They ruined your life, and you did the same. You snubbed out the joys of people!"

"Manik, just go away from here, my brother. I am okay. Trust me, I am alright." "Yes, we forced Alizey into sex trafficking." "Oh, such a whore she is. We surely are going to have a great night."

As Manik closed his eyes, he saw the picture of Alizey's body hanging from the fan. He opened his eyes wide, terrified and drew in a deep breath.

"You know, I have stopped believing in God today. Lucifer, you have made me lose faith in God and goodness today. This world is ruled by heartless monsters like you, who devastate the lives of innocent people. I despise you. Did you hear me? I despise you!" Nandani screamed.

Manik tightened his grip on the pistol, his finger hovering over the trigger, his heart racing in his chest.

"Are you trying to scare me with that gun?" So what are you waiting for? Pull the trigger," she taunted.

Manik's breaths came in erratic bursts, his hands shaking uncontrollably.

"Kill me Lucifer. End it all," she yelled.

"Shut the fuck up!" Manik screamed angrily.

"Why are your hands shaking now? Did they tremble when you killed Dhruv, Richard, and countless others? So, why are your hands quivering now? Put an end to my torment, you wicked man, I'm tired. Kill m-------"

A scream tore through Nandani's chest as Manik inadvertently pulled the trigger. The bullet hit Nandani right on her head and she fell to the floor dead, with a pool of blood surrounding her.

"Lucifer. What have you done?" When Manik heard his friends scream, he snapped out of his trance. Nandani's lifeless body lay before him. His worst nightmare came true. Lucifer killed the love of his life. Lucifer killed his angel. Lucifer committed his last sin!



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