• Chapter Twenty Five •

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"Baby," a gentle tap on Manik's shoulder startled him, and he turned around in surprise

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"Baby," a gentle tap on Manik's shoulder startled him, and he turned around in surprise. There standing before him, was Nandani, adorned in beautiful red lingerie. She looked like a sex goddess. Manik wanted to devour her completely under the moonlit sky.

"Mon ange," he tried to utter, but Nandani silenced him by pressing her finger against his quivering lips. Manik's breath hitched, as Nandani kissed her on the neck.

"FUCK, NANDANI," he moaned, as she teasingly nibbled on his earlobe.

Manik gently fisted her hair, prepared to capture her lips in a passionate kiss. But, just as he leaned in, she stepped back, her gaze fixed upon him. Her piercing green eyes once filled with love, now held hatred, leaving him bewildered.

"What happened?" Manik asked in an exasperated voice.

Nandani dashed out of the room, leaving him frozen in place.

"I despise you Lucifer," she yelled furiously, as she ran through the dark corridor.

"Nandani, please stop. Where are you going?" Manik chased her.

"I'm leaving you. I am going far away, where you will never find me."

Manik was terrified as Nandani's words echoed in his ears. His trembling hand reached the pocket to grab his pistol.

"Nandani, please I beg you to stop. If you dare to abandon me, I will end up hurting you," he raged.

Nandani screamed. "You think you can control me, Manik? I won't be a prisoner of your love. If you want to shoot me, go ahead! Pull that damn trigger and kill me."

Manik's grip tightened on the pistol, his finger on the trigger.

"Nandani, please! I can't bear the thought of losing you. But if this is the only way to keep you, then maybe... maybe I should..."

Nandani interjected, her words echoing through the corridor, "Kill me, kill me. Pull the trigger, you coward. Kil---"

A bullet pierced Nandani's chest, causing her to crumple to the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood. Manik dropped the pistol on the floor, realizing what he had done. He ran towards her, clutching her lifeless body in his arms.

"Mon Ange," the terrible cry that tore out of him, seemed to startle the dead, underground. His cry, rend the sky and the earth, reaching to the heavens and hell. Even the devils and the angels shivered.

"Hey brother, what's the matter? Get up," Cabir exclaimed, concern etched on his face.

As Manik slowly opened his eyes, he found his friends standing before him, their expressions filled with worry. His heart raced as he looked around. His eyes desperately searching for Nandani.

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