Chapter 15

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You and Rodney came back to your dimension so you could drive to the airport and go pick up your robot child. With that, you got to see the new update on your car, you pressed one of the buttons on your car keys which was also updated and out popped a makeup vanity from the back. 


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This must've ben just in case you went to a party or so but didn't have the time to get yourself right in the bathroom or bedroom vanity

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This must've ben just in case you went to a party or so but didn't have the time to get yourself right in the bathroom or bedroom vanity. It really thrilled you. "Be sure to tell Mr. Bigweld 'thank you!'" Rodney reminded you.

The two of you drove up to the airport where a private jet was waiting. Wall-e came out being lifted down on a motorized lift. He wheeled up quickly to hug you both. You and Rodney heard him call you two "Mommy! Daddy!". 

"(Y/N), did you hear that?" Rodney said to you. 

"He just said his first words!" You replied. 

Could he have been learning a little English while he was away. Wall-e could also his name now, quite a lot.

"HA! He even knows his name now!" You said with excitement. 

Although he still did not much have the handle of the English language. 

The two of you also noticed that he went through makeover for the film. They made him look rusty and added a movie logo of named smeared on his belly.


You all threw another Halloween Party the next day with Rodney dressed as Jason Voorhees and you dressed the bride of Frankenstein. The others including Cappy and the Rusties group were there.  It was Wall-e's first Halloween and there he was with a white sheet over him and two holes cut out, dressed as a ghost.


Rodney announced to you that the ceremony for the new CEO party is being delaying due to an adjustment made in the statue making process. You didn't mind, but then it wasn't long before Thanksgiving arrived. To be honest, it was quite great, especially since Wall-e was there to compact most of everyones leftovers. 

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