Chapter 7

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Warning: Profanity ahead

The two of you decided to finish up some of that shopping the very next day. But this time, Fender joined you. 

Your first stop was Target. You immediately took a cart and drove it around, placing in the smoothie from Jamba Juice you got earlier. 

Smoothies were still your ultimate morning thing but sometimes you would do it in the afternoon such as getting one from Orange Julius while you were shopping in the mall. They made you sure you were going to be healthy for the rest of the day. 

But right now, while you were shopping in Target, Fender took off and immediately started messing around with so much. Rodney even got fascinated by a toy robot he found somewhere. You all the other were near about to be distracted with the fashion area, but you tried to pressure yourself to think more about the baby. 

However, the only thing you could find and ended up purchasing was a carrier pouch because that was the only thing you could find that you still did not get. 

What now? Well, by right about now you could not resist stopping by Toys R Us for more of what you hopped for your child would love. It inspired you after remembering that some of you had when you were young, were things mom bought earlier from when you were still baby but did not give to you until you were a little older. Like you always did in toy stores and departments these days, you looked at dolls for fashion inspiration.

Fender and Rodney were all over it again and so were you. But you were also aware that not everything was going to fit in your car. So you picked out the best you could find, which were mostly stuffed animals and a couple of other things that were gender neutral because you still weren't sure about it being a girl or boy. Looking around the store was giving Rodney some inspiration for new invention ideas. 

While coming out, you passed a kiddie ride making you think about what it would be like to see your child riding one of those like you also did at Babies R Us the day before. 

The last place to look in for now was Books A Million where you picked up a children's and board books for your new baby.  But you also saw a cook book with a new recently invented bakery treat called cake pops. It immediately reminded you that you also had to start thinking about your baby shower and that could be one possible refreshment at your party. So you picked up the cookbook and purchased it so you could show mom.

Fender was beginning to see even more of the human world with it's artifacts that he couldn't help but mess with and Rodney was also curious looking deeper into it and thought about new ideas. It was possible the baby shower would take place next month, so you decided that working on that would take place the next day.


And from there it did! Fender joined you and Rodney once again when you went straight to look for supplies at Party City. From food set ups, to tableware, to a banner, to balloons which could be inflated with the helium tank you already had back home, it was beginning to look like things were going to be festive. 

Then you immediately, decided to go out and find something to wear. So you took a drive back to the mall in your town and this was the very first Fender got to see it. You all went separate ways and decided to meet back at the food court because they all knew what you were going to want. 

Fender could help but mess around once again, and even took time to check out the mall arcade. 

Rodney passed by the Zales jewelry store and thought about finding something as a gift to celebrate the first moment of parenthood.  And there he found a bracelet he thought would be suitable and good on you. 

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