Chapter 12

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You got Rodney to come look at the note. He seemed shocked and impressed at the same time. Technically, you knew who Pixar was. You never forgot when the first Toy Story came out when you were nine years old and Liv invited you to go see it with her and her younger twin siblings who were only 2 at the time. Other movies soon came along and it was unbelievable that your new robot child could possibly be a Pixar star. You wondered if maybe it could be your chance to be famous too. But it seemed a little heart breaking that he would have to leave you so soon.

"(Y/N), these guys have the official name for our child!" Rodney admitted. You understood would he meant according to the acronym. "You're right Rodney! Wall-e is the perfect name for our baby!" You replied. "But we just had him! I don't want to think about sending him off this soon!"

By then there was a knock at the door. "I'll get that!" Rodney told you. 

He went over to the door to open revealing that all of the Rusties have come to check out the new baby. They all greeted each other at the door just before coming around to where you and Wall-e were. 

"Hello, (Y/N)! How are you feeling?" Aunt Fanny asked. 

"Feeling much better." You replied. "Is this your new child?" Piper noticed Wall-e. "He's adorable!"

"Yes, he is and he has got so many talents!" Rodney told them. 

"Does he have a name yet?" Aunt Fanny asked.

Both you and Rodney stated, "Wall-e!"

They were all amazed!

"But sadly I'm afraid he has to leave us so soon." You said. 

"Really? How come?" Piper wondered with concern. 

"How about a go on the new tennis court?" Crank asked the gang. 

You were all up for it and that it could be the place to discuss the concern. It was your chance to try on the tennis outfit you had which fit very well and the racket was just your style. 

While you all played you and Rodney explained about the note you got and what this all meant. Aunt Fanny watched you all while standing near Wall-e as if she were about to become a great-aunt figure to him. None of the bots could understand what Wall-e was saying because he really could not speak English. 

As you sat down for a water break a thought came up. "I would say to give it shot because I think whoever those dudes are need him for their movie." Fender said to you. "But Fender.....we...... well maybe you're right." Rodney replied. 

You just stood their and sighed. "It's going to be very hard but I will see if my dads pilot clients will help get him across the country. 

"Oh, (Y/N)!" 

"Yeah, Rodney?"

"I have to tell you that Mr. Bigweld is giving me some CEO training for the next 5 days starting in 2 days from now. He says he thinks you might need to stay home for some pregnancy recovery."

"But Rodney, I feel fine you replied. But oh well! At least I might have the chance to give some test on my new talent rooms!" You said.

"I am sure he will be very glad to know that you love them!" Rodney replied before hugging you. 

"I cannot believe you are taking over the company in two weeks! You're going to rock at it! I know you will!" You stated while you remained hugging Rodney. 


The next day felt very sad. You able to have dad get his clients to take Wall-e safely across the country. Outside the plane, you and Rodney gave him some hugs and good lucks.

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