Chapter 1

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While you and your robot friends were still out in Hawaii for the trip you promised them some news had been discovered. When the 3rd morning in the islands had arisen, Rodney woke up with a yawn just as you came out of the bathroom. 

"Good morning (Y/N)!" He said before noticing a different look on you. "Is there something wrong?" 

It was time you let it escape your lips. 

"Rodney, I'm pregnant."

"Wait! What?"

You took out the pregnancy tester you bought with you to proof. It was shown to be positive!

"No way! That thing is positive!" Rodney looked at it with shock. "Is this..."

"Yes! You're going to be a father." You cut him off. 

Rodney seemed to look as if he felt rather nervous. But that didn't stop him from having to immediately run out and tell the rest of the group. 

Once he made it to the suite room, he knocked on the door. "Hello? Who's there?" Fender's muffled voice said. 

"It's Rodney!" 

He opened the door and let him. "Hey what's up buddy?"

Rodney stood there feeling nervous. "Go on! Tell us the news!" Lug said with excitement. 

He finally admitted the news. "(Y/N) .......... is pregnant."

There was burst of excitement from everyone! "Congratulations to a future father!" Aunt Fanny told him while patting Rodney on the back. 

"The new unique couple is now officially going to be parents!" Piper whispered to herself. 

"I'm going to be an uncle! I'm going to be an uncle!" Fender cheered. 

"Sure as long as they will consider you one of the family!" Crank replied to him. 

"Of course, we will!" Rodney told both of them.


Back in your room, you had just gotten off the phone with mom and told her the news. She congratulated you but you were not sure what to think. While talking to her, you thought it was a very big possibly that the baby could have chance of being a human or a robot. Mom agreed. She went to tell dad as soon as she hung up. 

You laid in bed making a hope to yourself that the baby would end up being a robot because that would for sure be less work.

Rodney came back in. "Everyone told me to congratulate you." He said while coming to lie down next to you. 

"I don't know what to think. There is a 50% chance of the baby being a robot and a 50% chance of the baby being human. We won't know until a few months from now. I just hope it turns out to be a robot like I hoped for. " You told him.

"Let's keep our fingers crossed!" He whispered back whole cupping your face. 

"We are leaving Hawaii tomorrow and we'll plenty of time to get the news to everyone else."


It wasn't long before that time arrived. You and the rest of the grew flew back to your home and once you did, dad came up to compliment on your news. 

"Well, congratulations on the soon to be parents!" He told you and Rodney.

Rodney began with thanks but with some thoughts the two of you had. 

"Yeah, thanks but we....."   He cleared his throat and continued. "We thought about it yesterday that there are two possibilities."

"I heard about that yesterday. Well, your baby better be human! Otherwise this family will lose its wonderful history of real personality!" Dad replied making you and Rodney feel a little apprehensive inside. 

 You all teleported yourself back to the robots dimension and you and Rodney got to discuss more in your apartment. 

"I don't know what to do! I've never been a father before and I know this going to be major change for all of us."

"Perhaps maybe you could get advise for your own father." You replied. 

"I mean just think! One day, I can imagine us taking a cruise vacation! I already see myself by the pool, an all you can eat buffet, the dance parties, the pretty cabins with a TV and fun bed, they'll even have play area. We'll be able to take the baby with us and he or she will have a place to be looked after while we have romantic time!" 

You kissed Rodney on the nose to give him some confidence. He seemed to have appreciated that and hugged you tight. There was plenty more to look forward to.

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