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The next day had come to life, and the trio was walking around school.

Everyone in school didn't believe Harry, Hugo, and Natasha because of the type of people they are, weirdos.

People looked at them, and laughed.

"So, which one of you is telling Cedric of the dragons?" Natasha whispers to them, and they look at her surprised,"Mind reader, remember?" She asks, and they nod, looking away.

Natasha looked between them, and nudged Harry, making him look at her, then they both smirked, and looked at Hugo.

"What?" Hugo asks, looking at them, as they smirk,"Oh, I have to." He says, as they continue, walking, and nod.

People kept looking, pointing at there badges that said.

Harry, Hugo, and Natasha stink!

"Oh, fuck off!" Natasha shouted at the, and turned around still walking the way there going, and pointed her middle finger at them.

Hugo, and Harry's stopped her, and turned her the correct way again.

"Look, there's Cedric, Hugo go." Harry says, pointing at Cedric.

Hugo rolled his eyes, but walked over to Cedric, holding onto his bag.

Cedric was laying down, but when Hugo came over he got up quickly.

"Read the bag, Lupin-Black!" A guy, that was a friend of Cedrics, pointed at the bag.

"Can I have a word it's you, Cedric?" Hugo asks, and Cedric nods, smiling.

"Alright." He says, getting up, and the two start walking away.

"You stink , Lupin-Black, tell those other two that too!" The guy shouts, as Cedric turns to them, and chuckles.

Hugo stops walking, making Cedric stop walking, and the two look at each other.

"What's wrong. Lupin-Black?" Cedric asks, and Hugo sighs, and taps his foot, trying to find the words.

"Uhm, me, and Harry figured out what the first task is." Hugo says, and smiles, making Cedric nods,"It's dragons, they're is one for each of us." He says, and nods.

"Are you serious?" Cedric asks, looking from his friends to him.

"No, I'm his son though." Hugo says, and smirks, making Cedric shake his head, and chuckle.

"So, they first challenge is dragons?" Cedric asks, making Hugo nod,"Thanks for telling me." He says, and Hugo smiles.

Hugo was going to walk away, but Cedric grabs his arm, making Hugo turn his head.

"Hey listen, about the badges, I tried to tell them not to wear them." Cedric says, and Hugo shakes his head.

"Don't worry about it." Hugo says, and Cedric nods, about to walk off again.

"Oh, maybe we can hang out soon." Cedric says, nd Hugo looks away, smiling, and trying to calm down.

"Sure." Hugo says, nodding, and Cedric nods, walking off.

Hugo smiles, and turns around, and runs back to Harry, and Natasha.

"Happy you went over there?" Natasha says, stopping him from bumping into her.

"Thank you." Hugo chuckles, and they start walking away.

Harry, Hugo, and Natasha kept walking ignoring everyone, and everything that was around, but not everything is a miracle.

"Why so tense, Potter, and Lupin-Blacks?"

Natasha pinches her noise, and shakes her head, as Hugo rolls his eyes, and Harry looks down.

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