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(I know this scene is before what happened last chapter, but ignore that)

A young Natasha Lupin-Black was running around the ministry, as her mentor tried to catch up to her.


Natasha pushed past people, getting lost in the crowd, then saw a door, and ran to it, closing the door.

Natasha took a deep breath, then felt a hand on her shoulder, and froze.

Natashas eyes looked at the hand, and sees her hand has rings, and there was a huge tatto on her hand, but it looked very beautiful.

Natashas eyes looked at the hand, and sees her hand has rings, and there was a huge tatto on her hand, but it looked very beautiful

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Natasha closed her eyes, and The woman giggled.

"I don't want to hurt you." The woman says, and Natasha shooked her head,"You won't hurt me, and I won't hurt you." She says, and Natasha just turneding around still having her eyes closed.

"I don't want to get hurt!" Natasha squeked out, and the woman laugehd at her.

Natasha opened her eyes slowly, and saw a beuatiful woman with blonde hair, she looked much older then her, but not so much.

"I said I won't hurt you." The woman says, crouching down to Natashas height,"Who are you?" The woman asks, smiling at her.

"I'm N-N-Natasha Lupin-B-B-B-Black." Natasha stuttered out, and the woman fixed Natashas sweater a bit.

"Well, hello Natasha." The woman says, smiling, and Natasha smiled a bit, looking at her,"I'm Evelyn Trelawny."

Natasha smiled bigger, and stood straight, as Evelyn played with her hair.

"You have such beuatiful hair, Natasha."  Evelyn says, and Natasha shakes her hesd,"You don't think so?" She asks, getting back up.

"Papa says I have hair kind of like dad." Natasha says, and Evelyn tilts her head.

"Do you have two dads, Natasha?" Evelyn asks, and Natasha nods,"I think thats very wonderful."

Since that day Natasha, and Evelyn met, they were inseperable, Natasha was always confused why Evelyn had to leave so soon, that was until Remus came to pick the twins up, and met Evelyn.

Natasha was pulling Evelyn quickly, making Evelyn laugh at the little girls actions.

"Make this quick, Nat." Evelyn says, and Natasha nods,"I have some important things to do, with some important people." She says, then Natsha lets go of her hand, and runs over to Remus.

"Papa!" Natasha shouts, and hugs him, and Hugo roles his eyes,"Meet my friend." She says, smiling big, and Remus chuckles, as Remus look up, and sees the same girl he saw years ago,"This is-"

"I know, darling." Remus says, picking up Natasha,"Lovely to meet you, Evelyn." He says, sounding almost upset.

"Uhm, yes, I will see you again, hopefull." Evelyn says, and the four all walk away differnet dirctions.

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