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Jane Lestrange, such a beauty, and a talented woman with awesome weapons.

"Hey Longbottom." Jane says, walking toward the table where Neville was sitting, reading a herbology book,"Wondering if you still had time to study." She says, and Neville looks at her, and nods.

"I always have time to help you study." Neville says, and smiles.

Jane puts her books down, and pulls the chair out, sitting down.

Jane, and Neville sat there, as Jane looked amazed by how much Neville knew, probably more then Annalise could.

Jane closed her eyes, and rest her head on Nevilles shoulder, making Neville jump a bit, but smile after.

Neville went back to reading his herbology book, as Jane slept on his shoulders.

An hour pass, and then the doors of the library opened, and everyone knew who it was, because of each step, the woman took, everyone looked a different way.

The woman came over to a table Neville was with Jane, and hit the table, making them both jump, and Jane wake up.

"Ah, your here." Annalise says, and smiles,"I was looking for you." She says, pointing at Jane,"My other blonde.

"Who's your-?"

"Draco." Annalise replied, then looked at Neville,"I guess you could come too." She says, and shrugs, grabbing his arm too, making him put his book down.

Annalise dragged them both, as they began to walk.

"Where are we going?" Jane asks, rubbing her eye with her free hand.

"Nat, and Hugo, who else?" She asks, flipping her hair, as they kept walking.


Natasha, Hugo, and Harry were by a tree, sitting there, as Hugo, and Harry read books, and Natasha messed around with her black gloves,*Incase you ddin't know, I forgot about 3rd year*.

"I'm bored." Natasha complained, as Harry, and Hugo looked at her,"I have feelings too, by the way."s he says, sassy, as Hugo rolls his eyes.

"You didn't bring anything with you." Hugo says, and smirks, as Natasha sticks her tongue out.

"Your a doofus."

"And your a... Snake." Hugo says, as they hear leaves crunch.

The trio looks over, and sees Annalise, along with Jane, and Neville.

"She woke me from a nap!" Jane complained, making Natasha chuckle.

"Complain, because you people look bored." Annalise says, and smiles, and Natasha rolls her eyes.

"I can't believe your staying, Anna." Natasha says, and smirks, as Annalise shakes her head, still smiling.

"I gave you people, be happy." Annalise says, and let's go of there arms.

Jane looked at the water, then started taking off her shoes, but not her socks, and stepped into the water.

Natasha smile, and started to untie her shoes, and got up, walking to the water, walking next to Jane, smiling ear to ear, as Jane chuckled.

"Neville, come on, you don't want to find things last." Jane says, and smirks, digging her hands in the water, then picked up a rock,"Maybe you will win."

Neville chuckled, seeing Jane search for stuff in the water, with Natasha.

Neville took his shoes off, and breathed, putting his stuff down, and walking into the water, as Jane walked Dover to him, and pulled his arm, as they began to look.

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