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Jane was running around the school, looking for Annalise, Natasha, and Hugo, and then she was on her way to Neville.

The lestrange found her cousins all eating chocolate looking out of a window.

"They're you three are!" She yells, walking quickly up to her cousins,"Something important just happened." She says, finally reaching them.

"What? That Buck beck has been sentenced to death?" Natasha asks, all of them jaw drops, looking at the middle one,"What!" She yells, a bit shocked none of them guessed,"I might have read his mind one day." She says, putting her down.

"Well, you said it for me." Jane says, then looks at Hugos watch.

"Why are you-" Hugo was cut off when Jane put her hand on his mouth.

"Shut up." She says, telling the time, jumps off his shoulder, and runs off.

"Where do you think she's going?" Annalise asks, looking over at the Lupin-Black twins who were pretending to be there parents.

Hugo was Remus, and Natasha was Sirius.

"I have no idea." Natasha says.

"She could be looking for someone." Hugo says.

The three laugh about how silly that was.


Jane was in the library, studying, with Neville who was rambling about plants.

"Shut up, a Lestrange dosen't want to hear that." A pureblood slytherin says, making Neville look down,"She's just pretending." She says, walking away.

"Don't listen to them, Nev." Jane say's, making him look up again and smile,"She might just be jealous you know more about plants than anyone else." Jane say's, standing up,"More then the Hufflepuffs." She says, throwing her hands up.

"I guess you are right." Neville smiles at Jane.

"Carry on." Jane say's, as Neville goes back to talking.

Jane couldn't help but think.

'Just him and me'


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