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"And lastly Weasleys are difficult."

Annalise and Jane were listening to Isabella and Mia talk about the Weasleys.

"How do you know all this?" Jane asks, as Annalise nods, and Mia scoffs.

"I'm dating Charlie Weasley." Mia says, as Isabella nods and smile.

"And I'm engaged to Bill Weasley." Isabella says, as Annalise nods,"How do you think I'm disowned?" Isabella asks, as the girls raise their shoulders.

"I thought you talked back." Jane says, as Annalise nods.


Mia and Isabella roll their eyes, and walk out of the room.

Jane and Annalise get off the bed, and follow them out.

"Are we going to go, or what?" Annalise asks,as Mia laughs, and nods her head.

"We are now." Mia says, moving the curtain of the fireplace,"Enter the fireplace of doom." Mia says dramatically, making the girls laugh.

"Where is Bill and Charlie?" Annalise asks, but there already went bye bye.

"Hello Weasleys!" Mia yells, walking into the borrow,"Twins." Mia says, pointing to them.

"Mia." The twins say together, as Mia smiles, and walks over to Molly.

"Hello Mols." Mia says, and hugs Molly, as she hugs her back.

"Oh it's lovely to see you again, dear." Molly says to Mia, as she looks over at Isabella,"Hello Isabella." Molly says to Isabella.

Isabella smiles,a nod waves at her.

"Hello Molly." Isabella says, as Annalise jumps on James back.

"The rest of the children should be awake soon." Molly says, as Jane and Annalise nod.

They hear footsteps at the stairs, and see Hermione walk in.

"Hello Jane and Annalise." Hermione says, as the girls wave,"And uh..." Hermione says, looking at Isabella and Mia.

"Isabella Malfoy."

"Mia Tonks."

Hermione nods her head, and sits down on a chair.

A few minutes passed, and everyone was downstairs.

"How you doing Ronald?" Jane asks, as Ron jumps from seeing Jane.

"Bloody hell, Jane." Ron says, as Jane laughs at him,"Don't do that." He says, as Jane laughs.

"Alright, come on, kids." Arthur says, opening the door,"Out, come on." He says, as they all run out.


The sun was still coming up, when they left, and half of the people were still tried.

"Dad, where are we going!" Ron yelled-ask, as Jane rub her eyes,"Dad!" Ron yelled, as Jane grabbed Ron's hand, and Ron looked flustered when she did that.

"Just keep up, Ron!" Arthur yells at him, as Ron nods, still looking at Jane.

They walk a bit more into the forest, and Isabella runs past Jane and Ron, giggling.


The kids all came to a stop when they saw a man.

"It's about time son." He says, as Arthur chuckles.

"Sorry Amos, some of us had a sleepy start." Arthur says, looking at Harry, and Ron.

"You just got called out, Weasley." Jane says to Ron, smiling, as he rolls her eyes.

"Oh shut up, Lestrange." Ron says to her, as they both chuckle.

Annalise catches up, and stands next to Mia.

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone." Arthur says, putting an arm around him"Works with me at the ministry." Arthur says, as Isabella holds onto Annalise, when they hear something,"This charming young lad must be Cedric Diggory, am I right?" Arthur says, as they all look at Cedric.

Before they knew it, they saw a young girl doing flexibly stuff.

She circled around them doing cartwheels, then landed next to Cedric, blowing her hair out of the way.

"And my daughter." Amos says, putting an arm around his daughter.

"Yes, Ellie Diggory." Arthur says, and shakes her hand,"A flexible girl you got there, Amos." Arthur says, as he chuckles, and Ellie does a bridge, and walks.

Everyone starts walking, and Isabella notices Annalise looking at Cedric.

Isabella took this as a sign, and pushed her to him.

Annalise bumped into him, and fell down.

"Are you alright?" He asks, helping her back up.

"I am perfectly fine, thanks." She says, and walks towards someone else.

"This is boring." Jane says to Ron, as he nods.

"But it will all be worth it."  He says to her, as she nods,"Stick together?" He asks, as she nods.

"I guess." She says, and let's go if his hand, and puts her head up,"See ya, Weasley." She says, and walks over to Mia.


Lupin-Black household

Natasha and Hugo were wide awake, sitting on their heavy sleeping parents bed.

"How long till them wake up?" Natasha whispers to Hugo, as he raises his shoulders,"Papa should be waking up soon." She says, getting off the bed, and Hugo turns to look at her.

"Then, what are you doing?" He asks, as she opens their parents closet,"Don't do it." He says, as she grabs one of their fathers sweater,"He will notice." He says, as Natasha rolls her eyes.

"Hugo is right."

The two scream, and look towards their parents to see them both awake.

"You two woke me up for this." Sirius says, and yawns, as Natasha walks back to the bed.

"Star, give it to me." Remus says, as Natasha puts it on, and shakes her head, sitting on her bed,"Star, I won't ask again." He says, as Natasha looks away,"Alright, Sirius." Remus says, as Hugo moves away.

Sirius grabbed Natasha, and started tickling her, as she laughed.

"Nat, listen to him." He says, as Natasha keeps laughing.

Remus and Hugo watch this, and laugh, as Natasha gives in.

"Here." She says, throwing Remus sweater to him,"You win." She says.

"Thank you." Remus says, putting it on the side table,"Go back to sleep, you two." He says, as Sirius falls asleep.

"We can't." Hugo says.

Remus moves Sirius aside a bit, almost off the bed, but he still seems to be asleep.

"Come here." He says, as the two lay down,"Night." Remus says, and turns off the ligh.

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