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Jane, Natasha, Hugo, and Annalise were waiting outside by the whomping willows, seeing how long it will take their parents to explain everything.

"Who wants to make a bet?" Hugo asks, wanting to break whatever's happening,"Are we can just have this tree hit us." Hugo says, as the girls look at him.

"Want a bad relationship with a Lestrange?" Jane asks, pointing her dagger at him,"I will have you be clear that I am not in the mood." Jane say's, as Hugo runs over to Natashas side.

"Sometimes, Jane is more scarier than you." Hugo whispers to Natasha as she elbows him in the guts.

"Sometimes I wish I didn't have a twin brother." Natasha says, and rolls her eyes.

"Same." Annalise say's, as the girls are roll their eyes together,"At least, yours isn't favored by your parents." She says, as Hugo looks around, than back at Annalise.

"Are you saying that our dads favor Natasha more than me?" Hugo asks, as Annalise regrets her words,"Alright, papa said he would never choose a favorite!" Hugo yells, looking at Natasha.

"We'll, maybe sometimes your to quick for him, and don't take your time, like me!" Natasha yells, at him, as Janes clears her throat.

"We're all still here." Jane say's, as she throws the dagger open in the air and catches it,"We're not stupidly death not to notice any of this." She says, as Natasha rolls her eyes.

"I never excepted you two to not be good twins." Annalise say's, as Natasha and Hugo look at each other.

"Let's just give each other space." Natasha says, as they all agree.

Jane sits down on the grass, a bit away from them.

Annalise stayed in her place, knowing they would all move away.

Hugo runs to a random place that Ian's so far away, but is far away.

Natasha brought a branch done, sat on it, and put it back up.

The cousins all stayed there waiting for the parents.

They all hear people coming, and look down.

"No worries, it's just us." They hear Remus voice, as he comes out,"Now, where is Hugo?" He asks, as they all come out, even Snape, and Peter.

"Over here!" Hugo yells, as they all see him down.

Hugo sees him, and runs over to him.

"Natasha, down." Remus says, looking up at the tree.

"Fine." Natasha huffs, jumping down the tree.

Natasha sees Hugo and Sirius, and starts walking over to them.

"I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors." Natasha hears Sirius say, looking up at the castle,"It'll be nice to do it again, as a free man." He says, as Natasha slides down, standing next to him,"That was a noble thing you did back there, Hugo." Sirius says, as Hugo chuckles,"But he doesn't deserve it." He says, as Hugo looks up at the sky.

"We didn't think it would be good to watch you and dad become real killers." Hugo says, as Natasha stiffs a laugh,"Dad once told us, if you get lost, you can always find your way back home before you lose it all again." Hugo says, as Natasha looks down.

The three look behind when they hear Peter Petigrew.

"How were you friends with that freak?" Natasha asks, and looks at Sirius.

"Guess I got tricked." Sirius says, as he looks back in front, and Hugo and Natasha look at him,"No idea you two now, but." Sirius says, as Sirius looks at him,"But you two were born to cause destruction, but also save us all." Sirius says, as Natasha nods.

"We know." Hugo says, and smiles at him,"You know if you choose to go somewhere else, and not come with us, we understand." Hugo says, as Natasha smiles and nods.

"What are you two saying?" Sirius asks as Hugo laughs.

"Surely dad wouldn't mind making room for you, dad." Hugo says, as Sirius puts an arm around both of the.

"Uhm, guys." They hear Hermione say, and points to the moon.

They all look, and see it...

A full moon...

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