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Everyone turned to look at Harry, Natasha, and Hugo.

Hagrid looked like he was going to pass out.

"Harry Potter, Natasha Lupin-Black, Hugo Lupin-Black!" Dumbledore yelled.

"Go on." Hermione whispered to them, and they all got up,"For gods sake, go." She says, and pushes them all.

"We'll be waiting." Jane says, and waves.

The three started walking, and looked at everyone.

"Are we in trouble?" Natasha whispers, and breaths, as Hugo grabbed her hand.

They all walked up to Albus, and looked at him.

Dumbleodre handed Harry the paper, and Harry grabbed it.

"Albus-" Natasha was cut off when Harry,a nod Hugo pulled her.

They kept walking,a nod everyone looked at them upset.

"Their cheats!"

"Their not even 17 yet!"

They saw Severus face, and Hugo sighed.

They walked past him, and Minvera put a hand, and pushed them.

They all looked at Mad-Eye, and Natasha finally noticed something weird about him.


It took the three awhile, but they finally got to the trophy room, and the gates opened.

"It's like they knew we were coming." Hugo says, and Harry shakes his head, as they walked in.

They saw the other champions, and they heard yelling, and turned around.

Dumbledore ran up to Harry,a s the twins moved away.

"Harry! Did you put your name in the goblet of fire?" Dumbeldore asked CALMLY.

"No, sir."

"Ask one of the older students to do it for you?"

"No, sir."

"Your absolutely sure?"

"Yes, yes, sir."

Barty walked up to Hugo, and grabbed his arm.

"Well, of course he is lying." The very tall lady says.

Barty hits Hugo's leg to talk, and Hugo opened his mouth.

"The goblet of fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object confundus charm could have hoodwinked it , magic way beyond the terms of a fourth year." Mad-Eye says, and Hugo rolls his eyes.

"You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought, Mad-Eye." The man from Drumstrang says, and they all look at him.

"Are we going to die?" Natasha whispers to Hugo, and he nods.

"But hopefully not."

"It doesn't he'll Alastor." Dumbledore says, walking past the two men, and walks over at Barty,a nd they look at him.

"Leave this to you, Barty." Dumbledore says, and Hugo walks up to him.

"Barty, you do this we're all dead." Hugo whispers to him, and Barty looks at him.

"The rules are absolute." Barty says, and turns back to look forward,"The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding magical contract." He says, and turns his head,"Mr Potter, and Lupin-Blacks have no choice." He says, and Hugo backs away,"He is, as of tonight, A triwiard champion."

The teens all look at each other, then back at the adults.


A few hours had past since what had happened, and Hugo, and Natasha were with the Professors.

"This can't go on, Albus." McGonagall says, and Natasha bits the tip of her thumb,"First the dark mark, now this." She says, and Hugo sits on a table.

"What do you suggest, Minvera?" Albus asks, as the twins look at her.

"Put an end to it." She says, and Natasha glares at Dumbledore,"Don't let Potter compete, the twins can, but not Potter." She says, and Natasha looked offended.

"You heard Barty, the rules are clear."

"So, there's no other way?" Natasha asks, as Hugo puts his hands together,"Even if we say we don't want to do this, we'll still have to compete?" She asks, and Dumbledore nods.

"Sadly yes, Ms. Lupin-Black." Dumbledore says, and Natasha leaves her mouth open.

"Master, I find this to difficult for a bunch of children to compete." Snape says, and Hugo nods.

"For once, I'm agreeing with Snape, I never do." Hugo says, jumping off the table.

"However, if we are to truly discover the meaning of these events, perhaps we should, for the time being, let them unfold." He says, and Hugo hits his head.

"Snape, do you have a kid, or a wife?" Hugo asks, and Snape opened his mouth,"Never mind." He says, and Snape closes his mouth.

"What? Do nothing?" McGonagall says, and stands next to Natasha,"Offer them up as bait? They are only children, not a piece of meat." She says, then looks at Natasha, and Natasha looks at her,"Maybe this one can be meat." She says, and Natasha nods, as they look back at Albus.

"I agree with Severus." Albus says, and Natasha taps her foot,"Alastor, keep an eye on Harry, will you?" Harry says, and Natasha looked upset,"The twins can watch each other."

"I can do that." Mad-Eye says, and Natasha tilts her head, and narrows her eyes looking at him.

"Don't let him know though. He must be anxious enough as it is, knowing what lies ahead." Dumbledore says, and Hugo opens his mouth,"Not now, Mr. Lupin-Black." He says, and puts his hand to his head,"Then again, we all are." He says, and a glowing string comes out.

The glowing string goes into the pot, and McGonagall looks at the twins.

"You two should get to bed." McGonagall says, and they nod.

The two run out, and McGonagall watches them sadly.

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