9.2 - DNA Test (The Aftermath)

Start from the beginning

"Please no..."

,,Please no-". Glass brutally hit the surface of a wooden table and promptly shattered upon impact. Multiple eyes were glued to the screen of the TV hanging on the wall, too flabbergasted by the bullshit the HPSC CEO was blabbering at the trial of Midoriya Izuku to turn their attention away. ,,What the fuck. What the actual fuck". Rasped a certain pastel-blue-haired villain as he moved forward, his red eyes widening even further, making him further look like some kind of deranged psycho.

,,Who would've thought? The boss has a son and it's the bone-breaking All Might worshipper on top of that". Snorted the severely burnt man, who had been observing everything from a corner of the new hideout. Dabi chuckled in disbelief as he turned to the trembling Tomura Shigaraki. ,,You seriously had no clue about this?" He asked curiously, raising a brow at the furious villain whilst gesturing towards the TV.

,,No, you burnt ass toast, I didn't! Sensei never mentioned anything about having a son! Now shut the fuck up before I decay you". Shigaraki growled out, scritching away at this neck with irritation. Dabi just raised his hands in defense of his man-child of a leader, deciding that he didn't want to get into another quarrel with the already pissed-off man.

,,Shiggy? Does that mean we get to kidnap Izu-chan?! Pleaseeee!" Toga jumped up from her spot on a bar stool, excitedly waving one of her knives around as her blush grew deeper. ,,I promise I'll take care of him!". Spinner stepped up next to her, glancing over to where his boss sat with crossed arms. ,,While I don't agree with Toga taking "care" of the boy-" ,,Hey! Not fair!" - "It certainly would be good for us to capture him. Your sensei would probably be rather pleased with us if we got his son out of that nightmare".

This gained a few nods of agreement from the rest of the league. Shiagraki groaned as he spun towards his team members, scowling deeply at them as he slowly raised himself off of the couch. ,,Fine, it's better to get him now before they manage to transfer him to Tartarus. Get your shit ready, we got a hero broccoli to steal". Malicious grins spread across the league's faces as they turned to get their weapons. ,,Yay! Izu-chan here we come!" The blonde teen chirped as she happily skipped off to her room.

,,My my, this will draw quite the attention to us". Mr. Compress sighed, joining Spinner, Twice, and Toga on their way upstairs. Dabi just grinned darkly, igniting a small blue flame at the tip of his scarred fingers. ,,This'll be fun. I wonder if I get to burn my old man while I'm at it". Shigaraki just rolled his eyes at the flame villain, shutting off the TV with furrowed brows. ,,Let's make sure to damage hero society with this. A member of Class-1A getting snatched away by villains shortly after being arrested". He mumbled to himself as the stalked off to his room to contact the doctor.

"I wonder if my little brother likes video games...?"


Only two hours later, when the trial was still ongoing and currently spiraling further into madness, as people were just randomly shouting at each other, a huge explosion rocketed through the building of the courthouse, sending everyone into a frenzy. Heroes, from both UA and outsiders who had been standing guard to avoid any fights, raced out of the courtroom to assess the situation, only to be blocked off by almost unbearable hot blue flames. 

,,Everyone, get back! That's the league of villains!" Hawks shouted over the roaring flames, barely dodging a blast of fire thrown at him by the black-haired villain. Dabi stood in the destroyed and now open corridor leading to the jail cells, smirking cockily at the heroes before turning tail and jumping out of the blown-up wall. Many heroes immediately rushed to the windows to see where he had gone, only to realize that the entirety of the league was wreaking absolute havoc amongst the citizens, driving them away from the area.

One thing Aizawa quickly took notice of was that Shigaraki wasn't with them. His heart dropped into his stomach as he launched himself out of the window, followed by a few other heroes. They're here for him. They're here for his student. They're here for his Problem-Child.

They're here to take Midoriya!

Aizawa was about to throw his capture weapon at Twice and Toage when suddenly another, a bigger explosion shook the ground he was standing on. Spinning around, his red eyes focused on a gigantic creature with wings emerging from the side of the cellblock, a Nomu. The teacher cursed under his breath, knowing that Erasure would do nothing against the monster created out of multiple humans and their quirks.

That's when he finally took notice of the figure standing on the Nomu's back. Sigaraki Tomura. ,,There he is! Watch out for the Nomu! Shoot him down!" Kamui Woods yelled out before promptly being hit by another large ball of flames. ,,Wait- He has Midoriya!" Present Mic screamed, his quirk enhancing his voice to warn the other heroes around him.

Deflecting a knife being thrown at him, Aizawa lurched forward, his gaze trained on the decay villain who cradled his student in his arms, completely unbothered by the raging battlefield below him as he called out for his teammates. ,,We got the prize, everyone! Make sure to collect some more loot and experience on your way out. The level is completed!" Shigaraki hollered, a twisted grin resting on his features as he peered down at Midoriya.

,,I'm bringing my little brother home".

The fighting heroes could do nothing but dodge all the attacks thrown at them, shouting after the Nomu carrying Shigaraki and Midoriya on its back dove off, only to be replaced by an oncoming swarm of more than 10 new Nomus, who were probably there to pick up the rest of the league. And even though they fought hard, they didn't manage to capture even one of them. 

All of this was broadcasted to the public, the defeat of the heroes spreading like wildfire as the staff of UA dreaded the loss of one of their students. This was now the second time a member of Class-1A had been abducted by the league. They had to find and get Midoriya back as fast as possible, no matter what.

Class-1A, who had been watching everything with bated breath from their dorms, was absolutely devasted. First the shock about who Midoriya's father was and now him getting kidnapped on live television? How were they supposed to handle this? Bakugo, thinking back to when he was taken by the league, angrily gritted his teeth as he clenched his hand into a fist. ,,We need to get Deku out of there, no matter what".

Everyone nodded solemnly at the ash-blonde, sharing quick glances. Class-1A would always stick together no matter what. They would get Midoriya back. 

They just had to. 


Okay, and that was the extra!

I hope you enjoyed it!

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Word Count: 1857

Next up: 11 - The reveal (Unless I decide to write another part 2


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