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"Everything okay?" Jin asked, making sure as he set the candle down on the coffee table. You nodded.

"Thank you so much," you sighed softly. He smiled and shook his head as Namjoon settled into his sleeping bag. You looked down the couch to Yoongi. "Please wake me if I kick you."

You were sleeping on the three seated corner couch with your head on one armrest and Yoongi's on the other. The couch was long enough for you, your feet resting right at where the corner was. Yoongi however was bent, his feet resting against your shins as he slept across the corner. He said he didn't mind; he normally slept curled up anyway. So instead of your feet hitting the corner of the couch, they hit his upper body instead.

"It's good."

Jin smiled, blowing the candle out as you snuggled in further into the blankets you'd brought. Jin had given Yoongi a blanket to sleep with as well as pillows for both of you. You were so grateful.

"Let me know if you're cold," Yoongi whispered. You looked towards him. "I can give you my sweater if you need it."

You shook your head and he let out a small sigh. You couldn't see him very well in the dark, and luckily so. You were going red again. Take his sweater? You could not-- not after all of this. Not when your socked feet were literally resting against his abdomen.

With the candles out and the heater radiating just enough heat for you all to stay warm, you all headed to sleep. Jin and Namjoon murmured to each other as they slipped into their respective sleeping bags and Yoongi folded his pillow in half to be slightly elevated. You pulled your sheets closer.

"Goodnight everyone," Namjoon sighed with a chuckle. Yoongi hummed in response while Jin repeated it. You hugged yourself tight, feeling the warmth of Yoongi's body just a little bit away from yours.

"Thank you."


"She usually wakes at eight," Yoongi sighed, rubbing his eyes. He gently moved your legs away from his body by grabbing your ankle. You moved in your sleep, cuddling your pillow close.

"She's welcome to stay until she wakes," Namjoon sighed, stretching. Yoongi sat up on the couch, your feet now resting in his lap. "Unless you think we should wake her. Does she have class today?"

"She never usually has class in the morning," Yoongi murmured, staring at your sleep self. "I dont want to wake her."

"Well the power's back so I'm going to get started on breakfast," Jin sighed, stretching his arms before rolling up his sleeping bag. Yoongi stood carefully, moving your feet away once again.

"I think I'll carry her home," he whispered, making the executive decision. Namjoon and Jin glanced at each other, sharing the same look they'd shared the night prior. Yoongi caught it. "What?"


Yoongi stretched his arms before peeling your sheets away from you. He smiled a little as you mumbled something in your sleep. He locked his arms under your back as you turned a little and the other went beneath your knees, lifting you easily. Namjoon wrapped your arm around his neck. "Thanks."

"Get her home safe," he said with a smile. Yoongi nodded and Jin grabbed your sheets, setting them over you as Yoongi headed to the door that Namjoon helped open. Walking across the hall with you in his arms, Jin helped get the apartment open.

"Lock it once you've set her down," Jin reminded, setting Yoongi's keys on the counter. Yoongi nodded.

"Thanks for letting us stay, hyung."

Jin nodded "Of course. Come on over anytime the power goes out. We have a gas stove as well— we can always cook for you both." Yoongi nodded and with that, Jin left.

Yoongi carried you carefully to Jungkook's room where you decided to turn your body towards him. He couldn't help but smile again as your face pressed into his chest, making yourself comfortable. He smiled at the smell of your room— a mix of the perfume you wore and the vanilla-scented candles you always lit. Pretty.

Setting you Jungkook's bed, he was sad to have to pull your arms away from him. You grumbled in your sleep as he wrapped your sheets around your body. "Yoongi?" you asked, blinking awake. He rubbed your arm a little.

"Go back to sleep, it's only six." You frowned, blinking heavily as he sat down next to your body on the bed. He sighed and you closed your eyes again.


And he watched you drift off.

He liked the quiet breaths that left you as you fell back into a deep slumber and he couldn't help but push your hair away from your eyes as you began to twitch at the feeling of it. It was when he decided to finally let you go that your hands had begun to fist the bottom of his sweatshirt.

Your hands were warm as he began to pry your fingers away from him, setting them back against the sheets. You curled up away from him immediately and he stood, staring at you.

He was starting to like this.

Yoongi, who never had to care for another person like this in his life was really beginning to enjoy this. He liked cooking for you and coming to pick you up from the snow. He liked curling up on the other side of the couch to drink hot chocolate in the evening. He liked carrying you to bed and tucking you in, watching you drift off to sleep safely while running his fingers through your hair. He even liked feeling your socked feet kick him in the abdomen ever so slightly, just enough to wake him with a smile.

And so leaving the room, he haf a new thought in his head.

Did this mean he liked you too?

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