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You turned back to the kitchen, looking for a clean bowl. Finding one, and then some chopsticks, you got yourself some ramen. It smelled really good, even if it was just instant packets that Yoongi had used. You were grateful, having been cold from coming in from the wintery outside.

Carrying your bowl to the table, you take a seat. You set the ceramic down and he didn't so much as look up at the sound. You tried to be as quiet as possible as you picked up the metal chopsticks.

He simply returned to his keyboard

You quietly ate, while he played music. It was quite lovely. Even staring at his back as his fingers danced over the keys, you felt alone with the music. It was quite a romantic feeling to have dinner by yourself to the piano.

When he stopped playing, you quickly looked up but he was already turned to face you. "Are you in school?" he asked softly. You nodded, intimidated anyway.

"First year." He raised an eyebrow. "Master's. I'm doing my master's, sorry. I'm older than Jungkook." Yoongi nodded. You noticed how he rarely made eye contact and that put you off a little. You didn't want to say he was rude, or assume so-- shy, maybe?

"Well, he calls you noona." You nodded. "What's your, what are you studying?"

You covered your mouth as you chewed. "Business-- management." Yoongi nodded. "Jungkook said you were doing your master's too."

"Physics." You nodded and the silence between the two of you returned. What were you to say in response to that?

Luckily, your brother returned.

"I'm clean!"

Yoongi let out a sigh as he turned back to his keyboard, hitting something before standing promptly as Jungkook walked in, towel around his neck. He used one end of it to rub at his hair. You were just finishing up your food. "I'm almost done," you sighed.

Jungkook smiled. "I think I'll have some more dinner," he sighed, heading to the kitchen as you began to wash your bowl. When you turned, Yoongi was collecting his papers from the keyboard stand.

"Uh—" you were cut off by Kook.

"Have you guys talked a little?" Jungkook asked, shoving his mouth with noodles. "Hyung, I can sleep in your room, right?" Yoongi's mouth parted.


"Perfect, that way, noona, you can stay in my room." You and Yoongi glanced at each other and Jungkook slurped up the rest of the soup straight from the pot. "I'll get your stuff in there, noona."

"I can sleep on the couch," you said honestly. "I shouldn't be here for long anyway."

"Noona, no." You sighed and Jungkook walked over, grabbing a bag. "Besides. Hyung said you could stay as long as you need. You're not going anywhere until we get you a place of your own and get the scam sorted out." You blushed in embarrassment.

Yoongi let out a sigh and shook his head. "Jungkook-ah."

"What's up, hyung?" He picked up two of your bags and began to head down the hall. "Can you help me with noona's other bags, please?"

Yoongi grabbed it and you watched as the boys carried it down. Following behind, you peeked into your brother's room. "Where should I set it?" Yoongi asked.

"On the bed is okay." He nodded at you and you sighed, looking around again. Jungkook stood, hands on his hips.

Yoongi spoke up as you admired your brother's posters. "We only have one bathroom." You turned to him. "Sorry."

"No, that's okay. No worries." He nodded and Jungkook clapped.

"I'm glad you guys are becoming friends!" You gave Jungkook a small smile. "Why don't you go to bed, noona? You've had a long day and hyung probably has class to go to early in the morning."

Yoongi nodded and you thanked them both. "Really— I'll, I can pay a share of the rent while I'm here—"

"I've got it, noona! Don't worry— besides, I'm dropping my cafe job since I'm getting rich soon." Yoonig let out a breath of air out of his nose as you raised an eyebrow. "My band and I scored an audition next week for a company. We're getting in for sure."

"Whatever you say, Koo."

"We'll let you go to bed. Feel free to use anything in my room." You nodded at your brother and hugged him tight one last time. "Ready to go, hyung?"

Yoongi glanced over at you from his spot at the doorway. Jungkook kissed you on the cheek and made his way to him as Yoongi gave you a simple nod.


You nodded back. "Goodnight. Thank you."

And with a shake of his head to dismiss it, he left the room, Jungkook trailing behind him.

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