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"Oh! You startled me." You stepped away from the stove a little as Yoongi squeezed past you through the little space between the island and the oven.

"Sorry." You felt his breath against your face as he rushed by to grab a granola bar. "I just need to get going." You stirred your oatmeal.

"Are you late?"

"Yes, I have-- I have an interview for a wet-lab and I just need to get going." You nodded and gave Yoongi a small smile. You turned back to the stove and turned it off, letting your oatmeal cool the slightest as you moved it to the empty stovetop. You watched it cool before turning back around.

There was no denying that Yoongi was attractive. He absolutely was. But it was his aura that was the most attention-grabbing part of him. You watched him look around for a coat before turning back to get yourself a bowl for breakfast. Your eyebrows raised to hear yourself called.

"Noona! Noona!" You and Yoongi both looked up at each other in awe.

"He's up?" You asked. It was a rhetorical question of course and Yoongi never responded.

"Noona! I need the sweatshirt that you took from me back!" You sighed and dried your hands on a dishtowel before heading down the hall towards his room that you'd taken over. Your eyebrows raised as he laid out a shirt, carefully folding it at his desk.

"Where the hell are you going?" you asked, referring to his suitcase, laid open across your made bed.

"My audition?" he asked as if it were obvious. You followed him out of the room as he ran into the living area. Yoongi was still searching for his gloves.

"Wait— you're leaving?"

"Yes?" Your brother turned to Yoongi with a grin. "You'll have your room to yourself now, hyung!"

"Where are my—" You cut Yoongi off.

"Jungkook, you can't just leave," you gasped. Yoongi looked at you and you shut your eyes. "Room please, Koo."

"What's up, noona?" He followed you back into his bedroom and you shut the door.

"Jungkook!" He frowned, shoving another sweatshirt into his bag. "You can't just leave me here!"

He frowned. "Why not? Hyung's still gonna be here— and you're paying part of my rent now so—"

"Jungkook, mom and dad would kill you if they found out you were leaving me alone with a guy." Jungkook frowned.

"It's just Yoongi hyung," he sighed, shaking his head. "You'll be fine, noona."

"Jungkook, I'm going to murder you. You brought me here and said you'd help me find a place to stay and now you're leaving?"

"This is a place to stay!"

"I'm intruding! It's fine if you're here but you aren't! I don't even know him! How am I supposed to have dinner with him every day if you aren't here to make conversation?"

"You and hyung have lots in common," Jungkook pointed out. "You'll be great at making conversation!"


"And it's only 2 days, noona. Don't worry."

"Jungkook, I just feel so bad."

"Don't, noona. Hyung's nice, remember?"

A knock on your door scared you and you fell back as it opened. Yoongi, at the doorway, caught you by the wrist. "I'm gonna head out," he said with a sigh. You and Jungkook both nodded.

"Have a great day, hyung. I'll see you later when you drop me off at Jiminie hyung's."

Yoongi modded and you smiled to see him having found his mittens. He looked up at you and you waved, needing him to leave so you could return to yelling at your brother.

But he spoke up.

"And you're welcome to stay, y/n." Your mouth opened as he turned, heading away. "For as long as you need."


"I love you," you sighed, rubbing his back. "Good luck, Koo."

"Thanks, noona. When I get back, we'll be signed with four record deals." You laughed and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll believe it when I see it." He giggled, teeth gleaming at you from above. Yoongi turned the doorknob and you zipped Jungkook's jacket all the way up. After having spent so much time with him, you were back to mothering the way you had growing up.  "Don't get sick or go out in the cold. And don't drink too much with your friends, okay? I know how you get drunk."

Jugkook giggled and bent down to kiss your cheek again. "Bye bye, noona." He waved and you looked up at Yoongi as he nodded at you.

"I'll be back in an hour." You nodded back.

"See, you guys'll be just fine without me." Yoongi turned red as you glared at Jungkook who remained clueless. "Well, we'll be off. "

"Bye, Koo."

"Bye, noona!"

Shutting the door of the apartment behind them, you rested against it for a moment. Perhaps you could make dinner? But would you have to cook for Yoongi too? No, right? Maybe he'd bring home his own food.

But then what if he didn't?

Fucking Jeon Jungkook.

You decided to go ahead and make dinner anyway and figured if Yoongi had already eaten, that you could just eat it the next day. Or refrigerate it and take it to school since you had a class to go too.

That made sense, right?

But it was just as you'd sit down with your lovely meal that Yoongi returned home, food in a bag. For the both of you.


He glanced at your food and you paused, chopsticks halfway to your mouth. You glanced at the takeout he was holding. "Oh, I didn't think you'd—"

"No, its okay. I can— it can be eaten tomorrow."

"No, uh." You stood with your food and headed to the kitchen. His kitchen. He set his food on the counter and you sighed, setting your bowl down. Of course his food smelled so much better.


"It's okay. This can be refrigerated." He glanced at your pot, the food you'd made for him inside. He looked back at you and you nodded.

Walking to his  fridge, he set his food right inside without even opening it. And with no hesitation, he grabbed a plate for some noodles that you'd cooked.  "Thanks."

"Thank you for buying dinner. We can eat it tomorrow." He nodded. "You could've told me and I wouldn't have made anything."

Yoongi shrugged and carried his bowl to the counter by the fridge to grab a condiment. "I was going to but I don't have your number."

You paused with your chopsticks. "Oh, yeah." He pulled out his phone and slid it across the table. You took it. "Oops."

"Just in case something happens, uh, yeah--" You nodded and typed your number in. You saved yourself with your name. He took his phone back and you smiled as he picked up his plate. "I'll be in my room, he sighed, chewing. You nodded. "Let me know if you need anything."

"Thank you."

And he was off.

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