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"I'm sorry for the mess."

Yoongi shook his head as he stomped off the snow left on his shoes on the mat at the front door. You gathered your notes into a pile and quickly began to file them away.

"It's fine, you can work there." He gave you a small smile as he pulled off his scarf and mittens, cheeks flushed red from the cold. You glanced out the open blinds to see it still snowing.

"Is it really that cold?"

"Negative twenties." You shivered as he hung his jacket. Walking past you, he set the grocery bags on the counter. You glanced at them as he began to put things away. You returned to cleaning up your stuff when he spoke. "What is it?"

You looked up but he was still putting away what looked like carrots in the fridge. "Oh-- I'm taking a creative writing class-- they're all of my story notes," you muttered, trying to organize them. "I have to show my planning so I need to keep them in order for my cumulative."

"Good luck." You thanked him and Jungkook entered through the door. You looked over to see him also flushed red but for another reason.

"You're home, hyung," Jungkook sighed, kicking off his runners." Fuck, my arms are so sore," he sighed, walking over as he drank some water.

You shuffled away for Jungkook to hop onto the counter to finish off his water bottle. Yoongi tossed him a protein bar and you wrinkled your nose at your brother. "Koo, you stink."

"Yah, noona, that's what I'm gonna shower for." He swung his legs and ate. "Anyway, go back to studying." You glared and rolled your eyes. "Hyung, did you get to type those notes for me today?"

"No, I just got home. I can do them tonight."

"You sure?" You watched them talk as you cleaned up. "I just have a chemistry test to study for, that's all. I can get one of the other hyungs to do it."

"I can do it, Jungkookie." Yoongi let out a sigh as he passed by behind you around the counter. He grabbed the other bag of groceries which seemed to contain mostly fruits and what looked like cheese. "I left batteries in my car."

"Oh, that's fine, hyung. I don't need them for tonight since I won't be playing anyway. I need to study." Yoongi nodded and you gathered your papers in a neat stack and hit them against the counter to straighten them out. Jungkook jumped out of the counter. "Noona, make dinner."

You gave Jungkook a look as Yoongi shook his head. "I can do it, I don't mind," you said to him. He shook his head again.

"You're the guest," he said kindly. You gave him a small smile, even if intimidated by his low voice. "You can finish your work."

"No, I'm done." you gestured to your folder. "I just planned on eating and heading to bed early."

"Oh. Noona, did you wash my sheets?" Jungkook asked, wiping his face of crumbs. You rolled your eyes as he grinned, hoping the answer would be yes so he wouldn't have to do it.

"Yes, I wash--"

"Sweet!" Jungkook walked off and you rolled your eyes yet again as you turned back to Yoongi. He held up some dumplings and you nodded. He turned back to the stove to get dinner going.

"Thank you." He hummed as you headed to the coffee table to gather the rest of your books. He turned to the counter to grab the last item from the grocery bag and you gave him a small smile. He turned back to the freezer and spoke over his shoulder.

"I hope chocolate is okay."


Nights here were getting difficult. Even with the clean sheets and the homework-free atmosphere, you still couldn't sleep. You tried turning off a lot of the LED lights in his room too, the ones he had up for decoration. But it was as if it was all making it worse, just simply being away from home.

You felt like such a burden, even though it had only been a few days since your move in. Yoongi and Jungkook definitely didn't seem to mind having you over but you felt like such a responsibility. They had to cook for you now, take in your studying into account. And it didn't help that you seemed to be taking up all the bandwidth with almost all of your classes being online.


At least to alleviate a little bit of the trouble about the last issue, you were trying to sleep in and to watch your lectures online at night. That way when the boys were just about done playing games and went to sleep, you could do your homework and just wake up a little later in the morning.

But only one night of that was successful. Day two came with a snowstorm that caused a blackout.

So with your power out, no light in your room to do your work and no wifi, you were stuck. You just needed to get some notes from your textbook done and you figured you could do that by candlelight, right?

Except where were the candles?

You headed out to the kitchen in hopes of finding them there. It wasn't like you had no idea. You'd definitely seen candles around somewhere-- you just couldn't pinpoint where. The flashlight from your phone wasn't helping all that much either, hurting your eyes with the sudden brightness.

The flash of another light at you startled you, causing the drop of a knife. Gasping, you turned. Yoongi stood, running his eyes. One hand holding his phone, he shined it at you. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

"Oh, yeah-- sorry. The power went out." He nodded, having had figured that out for himself. "Does the building have a generator?"

"Yeah, it should come on eventually." You nodded and set your phone light off as he set his phone face up on the counter to illuminate the area. "Why are you awake?"

"Oh-- I had work to do." He nodded and you looked away, back towards the drawer you'd been rummaging through. You quickly grabbed the knife you'd dropped. "I'm just looking for some candles to light."

Yoongi brushed past you towards the cupboard above the stove where they kept spare pots and pans. Pulling out a little package of tea lights, he handed them to you. "You need a lighter," he muttered to himself.

"Oh, thank you." He grabbed you a lighter and tilted his head as he grabbed his phone. Guiding the way back to Jngkook's room, he shined the light around for his desk. Seeing your papers gathered around a textbook, you rushed over to clean.

"I'll put them here."

He set a few candles down and lit them as you cleaned up your things a bit. He lit each candle one by one and the soft yellow-y glow illuminated the room. You sighed and nodded. "Thank you so much."

"Yeah." He stepped back, lighter slipping into his pocket. "This is really bad for your eyes though."

"It's okay. The power will be back soon, I hope." Yoongi nodded. "Sorry for waking you."

He shook his head and headed to the door of your bedroom. "Let me know if you need anything." You nodded and sat down in Jungkook's chair. "Just wake me, okay?"

You nodded, knowing you wouldn't dare. "Thank you, Yoongi."

He closed the door to your room behind him as he headed back to try to call the desk downstairs to see if they could get the heating working for you again. He didn't want someone staying with him to have to freeze their ass off studying-- especially if it could be prevented.

And within twenty minutes, it was all in working order.

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