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"It was your day to cook," Yoongi sighed, rolling up his sleeves anyway. "C'mon, Jungkookie."

"Sorry, sorry, hyung-- auditions are so soon and I really need to look good." Jungkook ran around the apartment, looking for his runners. "Have you seen them, hyung? My shoes? I'm supposed to be at the gym already!"

Yoongi turned the stove on and set a pot down before turning. "No, I haven't seen your shoes." The younger groaned, getting on his hands and knees in the living room. "Are you looking under the couch?"

"Yeah, they might be under here-- got 'em!"

He reached out for his shoes and pulled them towards him, dusting them off before lacing them on. "When will you be back?"

"In an hour-- it won't take long! Just cardio today!" And grabbing his fob for the apartment complex's gym, Jungkook was out the door.

With his roommate gone, Yoongi had his apartment all to himself for just a moment. Getting on with his dinner, he had some water boiling as he went through the fridge. Shoving Jungkook's food back onto his designated shelf, Yoongi began a mental grocery list. He'd have to head out tomorrow to pick things up after class.

While the water was boiling and ramen was cooking in the pot, Yoongi cleaned up the living space a little. Jungkook's textbooks were always scattered about the coffee table and Yoongi returned them to his room in a neat pile. And then there was Jungkook's guitar that the boy was in the midst of repairing. Yoongi decided not to touch that.

And by the time he was done, he was standing in front of the window, watching the snow fall. It was smack dab in the middle of winter-- December was a few days away-- and the snow storms seemed to be the worst that year. It was not only freezing cold and snowing every night but the power was always on and off and Yoongi really couldn't wait for winter leave to just go ahead and start. He loved his school and his work but there was nothing like waking up late and drinking coffee with no intention of leaving the house.

The life.

Jungkook returned from the gym in less than an hour, having had enough of the treadmill just as Yoongi finished serving himself a bowl of ramen. "Me too, hyung," the flushed kid gasped as he kicked his shoes off. "Maybe tomorrow I'll try the step climbing thingy."

Yoongi wrinkled his nose. "Shower?" he asked.

"Later. I'm hungry."

With a sigh, Yoongi set two bowls down and Jungkook was quick to sit, ready to eat. Yoongi took a bite as he scrolled through his phone and Jungkook rushed to shovel his food down his throat. "Have you figured out the website?"

"The sheet music one?" Jungkook asked, eyes round as he stared at his friend. Yoongi nodded. "I tried it out, hyung, but I don't understand. I think it's better if I just write them by hand."

"That's what you did and you messed up transcribing the notes for your friends." Jungkook pouted. "And the site will automatically change the notes for the instruments for you. Let me teach you to use it--"

"No! I wanna figure it out myself." Jungkook reached for some water as he accidentally swallowed too much. Coughing a little, he patted his own head. "I'll try again tomorrow. And if not, then can you do it for me, hyung?"

"Yeah." Jungkook smiled as Yoongi did too, shaking his head a little. Even if they had opposite energies, the boys got along well. And despite their difference in age, Yoongi always treated his roommate as a friend, even if he got quite annoying sometimes. And hectic. And sometimes a bit too hyper.

Jungkook's phone rang in his pocket and the vibrating made him giggle. Wiping his hands on his sweats, the younger grinned, excited to answer the phone. Yoongi glanced from his food as Jungkook pressed the device to his ear while slurping up his dinner. "What's up, noona?"

"I— I—"

"Hello? Noona, I can't hear you?"

"Koo, I think I got scammed."

Yoongi blinked at his friend as Kook scrambled out of his seat at the table."What do you mean?"

"The apartment— I don't think it exists." You were heard crying again and Jungkook's fists clenched as Yoongi went back to his food.

"So where are you right now, noona?"

"In my uber." Jungkook sighed. "I don't know what to do."

"Where's all your stuff?"

"I have some— some of it. Everything else is at mom and dad's place. I just switched the address right now so it's being shipped there." Jungkook slipped on his coat and Yoongi's eyebrows raised again, watching him.

"Okay, noona, I'll come to get you, okay?" Yoongi cleared his throat, raising his bowl to his lips to sip out the rest of his soup. "You send me your location."


"Don't worry, noona. It'll be okay."

Jungkook hung up and sighed, looking around the table for the keys he'd so carelessly dropped moments ago when he arrived home. "Are you going somewhere?" Yoongi asked, taking his bowl to the sink.

"My noona was supposed to move today, hyung." Yoongi looked back. "And now she can't because she got scammed? I don't know. But I'm gonna go get her right now."

"Did she spend money?"

"I'm not sure, hyung. We'll see."

Yoongi hummed and dried off his hands. "Will she be staying here?" Jungkook looked up as he slipped on his boots.

"Well, I was gonna get her a hotel but if you don't mind her staying for a bit, that'd be great!" Yoongi's mouth opened a little as Jungkook began to head out. "Thanks, hyung!"

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