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You groaned the second you woke up, feeling your entire body freeze over. Well, luckily, not literally. You didn't need a repeat of the getting home thing happening. Rather, you felt yourself tagging your sheets closer to you as the night fell colder and colder as the seconds passed.

The power (and thereby heating) had gone off, clearly.

You woke up because of it and there was no way you were going to be able to get back to sleep in this temperature. So you sat up, wrapping the thick comforters around you further. You smiled, pulling the extra blanket Yoongi had given you over you too. It smelled like him, in just the slightest, and you were quite enjoying having it wrapped around you.

You weren't a creep for that, were you?

You lit a candle when you managed to make out through Jungkook's clock that it was only midnight-- it wasn't too late into the night and maybe your candles could act as a mini fireplace?

You hated that you'd ever taken heating for granted.

The floors were freezing as your barefeet set down. You quickly jumped back onto the bed and groaned, knowing you had to make your way across the room to get the house slippers you'd borrowed from Jungkook.

So hopping over, stepping on and sliding with the comforter that you still had wrapped around you, you slid your feet into the fluffy slippers.

The moment you stepped out into the apartment, you could hear the soft breathing of Yoongi sleeping, all the way from across the hall. It made you smile. You walked away from the bedrooms and to the kitchen to look for more candles, successfully finding them.

Lighting them upright in the kitchen, you grabbed the hot flask Yoongi had filled earlier in the night and poured yourself a cup of warm water, in an attempt to warm your body up. But it was as you were drinking out of Jungkook's Star Wars mug that you heard loud noises from outside of the apartment.

"Move it quietly!" you heard someone hiss. Another groaned in response.

"Hyung, it's midnight, no one's gonna hear us!"

"Who knows? You know how many students live in this complex-- we moved in for university too." You frowned, stepping closer to the entrance to your apartment to hear outside but gasped as a loud clanging sound was heard. So, hand placed to your chest, sheets wrapped around you, you waddled to Yoongi's room.

He'd left the doors slightly open and you poked your head in for the first time. It was pitch black and you tried to let your eyes adjust to see black-out curtains hiding the night view he'd have had if not for their existence. Carefully feeling around the wall for the dresser and desk, you managed to get to Yoongi's bed.

Patting around some more, you touched what you figured was his arm or leg and shook a little. "Yoongi?" you called softly. He hummed in his sleep and your cheeks tinted pink. Thank goodness for his curtains, huh?

"Yoongi? Wake up." You shook a bit harder and a little groan emitted from him as he stirred away. You took a step back but managed to walk into his dresser. Yelping a little, you waited for Yoongi to turn his phone on for a little light once he realized his lamp wasn't going to work. He rubbed his face with the flashlight on and you quickly turned to his mirror.

Oh, great. You looked like a mess in front of him yet again.

But it didn't phase him as he ran a hand through his hair, leaning up on his elbow as he stared at you. "Are you okay?" he asked gently. You nodded and he squinted to see you better.

"There're loud noises outside. There-- there are people talking and-- yeah, the power's out again." He nodded and flopped back into bed.  You watched his arms bulge at his t-shirt before he wrapped them around himself, rubbing his biceps for warmth. You looked around to see his hoodie draped over his desk chair. Grabbing it for him, you waited for him to step out of bed to slip it on.

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