However, the realization soon hit her and she smacked her forehead. She was supposed to convince him politely and in a more mature manner. Not like this!

The silence was what she got from his end. Viraj's hand froze and the ink made a small blot on the paper. His anger was quick in resurfacing.

"I...I mean...I don't...We are not..." She was about to elaborate when he interrupted her rather rudely.

"My driver is waiting for you in the parking lot. He will drop you at your home. Get ready and I'll pick you up at 6." Viraj instructed while ignoring her broken statement.


"We will continue this conversation later, Sneha." He stated and cancelled the call.

She stared at her phone and then heaved a deep sigh. Slapping herself internally, she scolded herself for not being able to control her temper and mouth. She really hoped he would not complain to his father!




Sneha glanced at the wall clock to see that 20 minutes were still left for Viraj to arrive as he had stated earlier. She sat on the bed again while making sure to not ruin the beautiful gown.

Her eyes fell on the three baskets that Ananya had brought yesterday. They were lying in the corner of the room, beside the closet. Fearing that Viraj might ask about the content again, she decided to open them. With this thought, she stood again and walked towards the gifts.

Sneha tore the gift wrapper of the first basket and opened the lid carefully. Her eyebrows raised as she took the content out. There were about twenty different skin-care products and all were obviously imported products. She had only heard of the brand. Thankfully, the price tag was removed or else she would have had a heart attack. She was amazed by the fact that every product was resonating with her complexion. Had it been a different scenario, she would have praised Ananya's ability to notice such fine details about her. Right now, she just didn't care.

The next basket that she opened took her breath away again. It had a dark blue coloured handbag. The mere appearance of the bag with the perfect stitches and the quality of the fabric made her conclude that it was out of her budget as well.

"Is she crazy?" She mumbled about Ananya. For her, this was a complete waste of money! With this thought, she kept the bag aside.

The last basket that she unveiled had exotic dry fruits and chocolates. At the bottom of the basket was a small card. She picked it up and read the printed text.

'Welcome to our family, Sneha! I am so happy to have you as my sister-in-law.

-Ananya Khatri'

"As if! This is never going to happen, Ananya." Sneha spoke to herself before closing the box again.

Exactly at that moment, her phone rang and she picked it up, only to realize that it was Viraj. Taking a deep breath, she answered the call.


"I am here." She heard him say and by the sound of it, he did sound pissed off.

"Okay." She nodded and cancelled the call. She could have seen him through the balcony but decided to not waste any more time.

She held her sling bag and came downstairs.

"Mummy, I am going." She informed lowly when she saw her mother in the hall. Her parents were aware of her situation.

"Should I go and tell him to behave properly with you?" Her mother asked to which Sneha shook her head negatively. She didn't want any of her family members near him. He was a murderer after all!

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