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I wanted to make something clear, in case anyone was hopeful. Malo/Mirjana will not be getting powers, nor is she secretly from some super evil/powerful family. She's literally just a girl plucked from Serbia in the 80s. But we're getting ever closer to the smut I know some of y'all are waiting for! 


The kind guard Izak stood in front of Malo, eyes focused as he worked to tie her hands above her head. She could have sworn only yesterday she'd been brought here to be "washed". Not that she'd mind being clean once again. As long as they replaced the gauze on her thigh that was still throbbing from having the tracker shoved in.

Izak finished and took a step away. "I'm sorry for what's about to happen. I wish I was in charge of this area, but that's not how things work here."

Malo's heart dropped. "How do things work around here, Herr Pfeiffer?"

He chuckled, his round cheeks growing with the smile. "No, I am not a Herr. I am simply Agent."

"Agent? Is that what everyone calls themselves?"

"Depends on the person. Most of us are agents, guards if you will. Agent Miller and I are in charge of handling the Asset. We are his personal guard, if you will." He paused. She shivered in the cold air of the drafty room. "Forgive me, Russian is not my strong suit. I tend to say the same things over again."

She smirked and switched to German, much to his surprise and delight. "I thought you were Russian for a while."

"I speak five languages. German is my primary one, but here they prefer Russian. I can also speak Serbian, Romanian, and English. One of my responsibilities is to teach the Asset Serbian while he is awake. I also test his Romanian by only speaking to him in it while on missions." He spoke of his knowledge of languages with pride. If she wasn't chained up, Malo would almost be proud of him, too.

"Why do you stay here? You don't seem to be as heartless as the rest?" she dared ask.

He shrugged. "My father did it, as did his father before. It pays the bills and they protect my family. It is an easy price to pay for helping better the world. They are also the reason I was able to learn so many languages."

Malo snorted. "Sorry, but you do not believe that, do you? Murdering people to 'help better the world?'"

"Yes," he answered simply. "It is not hard to believe that a few need to be sacrificed for the majority to thrive. Those we sacrifice are not as innocent as you may think, schatz {sweetheart}. It would do you good to forget these thoughts and let us help you. We can protect you if you continue to help the Winter Soldier."

"Winter Soldier?" the question came out before she could stop herself.

"Yes, the Asset. The man you are falling for," he teased.

Malo shook her head. "I've known him two days. No one is falling for anyone."

"You would be amazed at what can happen under extreme circumstances." Footsteps could be heard pounding down the hall in their direction. Izak faced Malo and bowed. "I will see you later. Try not to fight it."

"Fight what? The water? A loofah?" she mumbled to herself.

Agent Pfeiffer left and two guards took his place. It was the same two that had 'bathed' her yesterday. They once more held buckets of what she was sure was freezing water. One man had a horrible, uneven smile. She nearly threw up, not sure of what would happen that even Izak would apologize for what was to happen. The guard stepped forward and began pulling her uniform off. She didn't like the way his hands lingered as her body was gradually revealed to them. He leaned forward and licked from the top of her bra to her neck.

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