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Warnings: degradation, mention of needles, abuse.

We're also almost to their first mission together! Let me know what you thought! <3 Artie


The men hadn't been gone for more than an hour. The terrified young woman sat quietly in the dark room, curled up in a ball on the cot. She desperately tried to force herself to remember anything. Even if it was something as simple as her eye color. She realized that she not only didn't know her own name, she wasn't sure what she even looked like. The room didn't have anything reflective, so she couldn't solve that riddle immediately, either. When the lights had been on, she noticed she was a shade or two darker than everyone else. She ran her hands through her hair to find it stark straight. If the lights were on, she could at least note the color. She could tell it wasn't black, but that was it.

At the very least, she needed to think of a name to call herself. Girl? Woman? She wasn't even sure how old she was. She seemed small compared to the guards – and even tinier next to the muscular man in the mask. She felt little, literally and figuratively. That would do for now: мало. {Little. Pronounced Malo.} She felt better having a name for herself, at least.

Footsteps came down the hall and she sat straight up. The fear from before slammed into her with full force. The door unlocked and the muscular man with the metal arm she'd helped before was shoved inside. A thick lock clicked behind him.

"Hello, again." Malo hoped he was going to remain as calm as before.

He proved her wrong by immediately going to the table and tossing it into the wall. It practically disintegrated with the force. She let out a squeak, catching the soldier's attention. His muzzle was still on, but she could read his expression from his striking blue eyes. He was angry – no, furious.

He strode towards Malo, arms outstretched. He lifted her easily, slamming her small body against the hard wall, knocking the breath out of her. Both flesh and metal hand dug into her biceps, leaving immediate bruises. Before he could do any more damage, guards burst through the door and struggled to put the binds on his arms. She watched in terror as the soldier everyone seemed to refer to as 'The Asset' managed to knock out six men with ease. It looked as taxing on him as swatting away flies.

It took seven additional men, all with batons, and two also armed with tazers, to take the soldier down. They managed to subdue him, but he remained conscious, glaring at everyone. The young woman had managed to once again curl herself into a corner.

One of the guards turned to her. "Your turn, sweetheart."

She let out a pathetic whimper. As Malo was being dragged towards the door, the 'asset' behind her began thrashing around violently. A part of her wished she was staying. Yes, he'd thrown her against the wall. Yes, his fingers left bruises on her arms. But at least he hadn't threatened to pass her around like a cigarette amongst prisoners.

"No, please. Take me back," she begged. The guards ignored her completely. They reached what looked to be a medical room. It held a gurney and a small metal table next to it, filled with medical supplies. A curious object was among them. It was also metal, with a flashing light and roughly twice the size of a 25 dinara coin.

The man strapping down her left arm caught her looking and smirked. "That's going to go in you, дорогой. {sweetheart}."

Her wide eyes only made him laugh. Why would they need to put something like that in her? Was it going to kill her? She threw her head back in frustration. She gave one more attempt at pulling free from her binds, knowing she wouldn't get out. Even if she did there were still two guards to deal with. And that's only what's in the same room as her.

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