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Yes, it's late. And yes, it's a little on the shorter side. I'm still sick - sue me.

Really, though, enjoy a sweet moment between Mirjana, Bucky, and their little family. 

 <3 Artie


Everyone knows that parenthood is rough, especially the first baby. Bucky and Mirjana were exhausted by the following morning. Visitors had trickled in and out, but for the most part they had been left alone. Nwadike and Dr. Omenma made sure to check in regularly, mostly to make sure Mirjana's blood pressure was okay, as it had dropped significantly after giving birth.

Sunlight spilled into the room, waking Mirjana after a few hours of rest. Bucky was in a rocking chair next to the bed, staring adoringly at little Mira in his arms. He was humming quietly to his daughter as she slept peacefully, swaddled tight in a blanket that was clearly from the Wakandan's. She took in the sight, though it was blurry to her. Nevertheless, she smiled at her small family.

"Hey," she whispered.

Bucky looked up, a huge grin on his face. "Hi, beautiful."

"Did you get any sleep?"

"Not really. She was fussing a little and you were sleeping, so I got up. Messy diaper," he explained, his gaze returning to their daughter.

"I can take her so you can sleep. It's probably time for her to eat, anyway." Jana struggled, but managed to sit up in the bed.

Bucky sighed, reluctant to give up Mira. "Yeah, you're probably right."

With one arm he easily slid Jana over in the bed so he could curl up beside her. She let out a squeak and sent a look of admonishment towards him. He smirked, loving her reaction. When she moved to unbutton her shirt, he grabbed her hands.

"Allow me," he murmured, his voice deep.

"Yes, sir," she breathed. Happy to surrender control, she leaned back against the pillows.

Moving Mira to his left arm, he reached over with his right and slowly undid the buttons on Mirjana's shirt. She held her breath, her golden eyes focusing on his face as more of her was revealed. When her breasts were completely exposed, he leaned over and placed a gentle kiss to her collarbone.

His azure eyes met hers, the pupils blown out. "Two days down. Only five weeks, five days left."

"Until what?" her voice came out breathy.

He smirked. "Till I can fuck you again."

"Insatiable," she teased, pushing his head away playfully. "Hand me my daughter so I can feed her."

"I'll get a water bottle." Bucky groaned when he rolled off the small bed.

Jana laughed. "You are getting old, Mr. Barnes."

He smiled over his shoulder. "Just because I can't fuck you doesn't mean I can't spank you."

Mirjana stared at him, blinking. "I am not a child. Why would you spank me?"

Bucky's smile dropped. He blushed sheepishly and shrugged. "I heard from some of the guys that it's a thing... thought maybe we'd try it to see if we like it?"

She sighed, her head falling back against the pillows. "Maybe. Can we revisit this when I am not so tired and sore?"

He smiled and returned to cuddle with her on the bed. "Of course, miere."

"Thank you."

Mirjana sighed again. "We will have to go back to Wakanda soon. Introduce her to her brother."

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