chapter 15: who?

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Unknow pov:

I heard footsteps heading our away, we prepare for attack though I personally don't do much. The foot steps stop but replaced with falling and tubling. Suddly a small pale girl calme out out of nowhere and landed in fron of us. It startled us but we recoverd quickly. I look up to see the ledge she had fallen off.

"Is she ok?" Kissy asked me. I went to her. She had 2 big dark lums on her heard, as almost if they was horns. She was aslo bleeding alot. Her leg and her sholder was bleeding, it was a nasty fall.

"Huggy can you carry her tk the village, we can help her there." I said to the tall blue slender figger.

"Of course poppie." He picked up the small girl, she was the same size as me and I was small.

-in the village-

We could see wanted signs around, alot of the same people, a demon, 2 cups, and a dog. We could hear people talking about it. We manage to get to the doctors and luckily wasn't busy.

"Oh hello poppy" a nurse joy said.
"Hello! We found this girl in the woods, she took a nasty fall"

"Oh no problem, take her to the back and we can fix her up." Me huggy and kissy followed her to the back..

Splodge's pov:

I was in agony. I didn't know what happened. But the next thing I knew.
" GET AWYA FROM ME!" I woken up to see 3 people around me, a human looking nurse, a fluffy pink rag doll and a what looked like a China baby doll. I became really light headed. Nothing made sense.

"Hey you awake. Dont worry we are trying to help" the nurse said.

"What the where am I. Who... who are you?" I said looking at the 2 new faces. I knew about pokēmon before a knew it was a nurse joy.  But them 2 I had no idea.

"Oh this is poppie and kissy missy" nurse joy said. Both of them waved at me. "They saved you from what happened, what did happen?"
"I was ... feeling sick... a and I w was running from my Friends c cuz I d didn't need there help..." I said looking away, nurse joy teated my wonds on my leg.

"Why? Friend away help! " kissy said.

"Its complicated, then... I fell, really far. HEY DONT TOUCH MY BAG!" I rudely said to the kind nurse.

"I'm sorry I should have asked you to take it off. I need to treat you sholder."  I hesitatly took it off but kept it on my side, I lifted my shirt so she could treat my sholder. This raviled my rash.

"Whats this?" They asked.

"Ink ill ness. Thats what a little on my shirt."

"Oh no poor huggy hehe." Kissy giggled. I saw a similar tall fuzzy rag doll outside but it was blue. I guess i through up on him.

My head had loads of questions. Why was we being targeted. What have we done. Why did poppy and kissy sound formular.  That one I knew. Poppies playtime. Why was they in a cartoon world?

"So whats your name kid" poppy asked me? I could use splodge. "Emmmm ... whyen (yn)" that was the best I could think off.

Alittle later they was taking me back to there house to rest but I felt uneasy. They seemed too nice.

"So whyen. You live around here?" Huggy asked me bending over to get to my level.  I shock my head. I didn't want to talk. I just wanted to get back to the others.

Suddenly. A pear of pink and white glove grabbed me by my legs.
"WHYEN!" They said trying to grab me. The hands wrapped around me holding me hostage and covering my mouth.

"Mommy let her go!" Poppy yelled.
"I don't think so! Shes going to the police" this mommy said. She looked like a polly pocket toy.
"Nope she's on alot of wanted posters. For Alot of monye! Now leave!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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