chapter 3: wholesome fandom

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I work up in my bed with doctors and nurses around me.
"G Gaster? W what happened?" I muttered. It hurt to speak, my thought was dry, my insides hurt. It felt like hell. I looked at the clock. 7:39. "Uh how long was I out?" Grillby looked at me.
"Finally your awake. Your out for some time. Almost a week." He said. A week? a. week! I was asleep for A WEEK! I tried to calm myself down but I couldn't, I didn't care about being sick, I was just sad I missed my opportunity to see Joey drew. The doctor's and nurses were slowly leaving the room. I couldn't help but cry.
"It's ok Emily. We can arrange for joey to come again. Look how about we do it now. Ye. If your up to it?" Gaster said. He grillby and muffit huged me to make me better. Muffit handed me my splodge teddy. It didn't help.

I just lay there. I looked out my windo. Nothing much happened but then a I got a message. Muffin handed me my tablet. I seen a message from Joey drew. It was a fan pice from Henry.

I was the questers and, splodge. She was in a hospital bed. The questers was huddles a round her with with everyone saying get better splodge.

This made me so happy. I felt nice to see someone using my character. I looked at one of the hashtags #splodge I clicked on it. A bunch of splodge pictures. Everyone loved her. There was a small clip too. Of course I click it.

An random persons asked Joey and Henry,
"So, where did the design of the new character 'splodge' come from? Was it the winner of the competition?" Henry answered.
"Yes it was. But their is more to it then the winner. The girl that made this 'emily' is in hospital and hasn't left in over 2 years. Sadly was didn't get to meet her since she had her condition got really bad." Joey continued.

"But we based the new 'ink illness' on her. Bendy and ozzys dead wife both have it and once we finally meet her we might get more ideas for the story."

Bellow the video was a picture of me in hospital with my splodge teddy before it happend. I just started to cry again. Their was so many people that wanted to make me feel better and wish me the best look.

Grilby, muffin and Gaster pulled out a box of stuff.
"W what's that?" I snift.
"It's yours silly!" She said. They handed me the box. Inside was a bunch of gifts: sweets and toys even some video games. I read some of the letter from fans. They was so wholesome. Grilby showed me something. I had a channel now. I had 3 videos, all 3 was my comics. I clicked to hear Gaster as bendy, muffin as alice and grillby and boris. I just cry, again. All 3 huged me. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Hour later and it was almost bedtime. I was watching a fan comics of my character. They was all so cute and exactly how I seed her.
"Light off now emily." Grillby said.
"But grillby! It's 9!" I grumbled.
"Yes and you have someone coming to see you. Now go sleep or you will be tired."he said. Ture I was tired but I was too happy to sleep. I commented on the creator and thanked them for making her into a comic. And turned it off. He took it off me as I changed into my pjs. I put on some creams for my "eczema" and some tablets and got back into bed. Vo adam sent me some merch and had given me some cloth I could wait to wear, and someone gave me some poptart I couldn't wait to eat. I slowly went to dream land while he put all the fan stuff in my cubourds and shelfs.

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