chapter 11: falling for a demon

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I was with the boys and we was getting some rest. Me and bendy was up, manialy to keep me in check. I layed back watching the starts. They was so pertty. My thoughts hurt my brian. I am a princess of ink well, Joey Drew's daughter, I'm the once that created an ink Illness.

"So splodge, how old are you? I mean I'm 18 and boris is 16,what about you?"
"I'm 16, I know I look younger then I am."

"Oh heheh I get that alot. So what any family?"

"No I'm aloner. But I try my best by my-..." I got a wired feeling. But I felt it. "G ghaa!" I few up an inky substances. Bendy rushed to my side.
"H hey! HAY! calm down. Ok. Take your top off and calm down!" He wanted me to what! I did as be he said, since I knew I had a bar on. Ink coved my vision and I felt bendy put his arm on me. I calm down a little. The pain was still unbearable. I held onto him tite as I threw up more, a little on his lap. I could tell it did bother him. He helped me up and grabbed some soap.
"It will be all over in a minute." He said. He took me down to a river not too fare away from the camp.

He took off the rest of my cloths, looking away, and put me in the water. It was absolutely freezing, but calming. He scrubed me down getting all the ink off me. I covered my body within the dark water. I blushed as his scrubed my back.

"Hey w what's this?" He asked. I had black patches all over my body and the biggest onces were all over my back.

"Oh them. I was born with them. Same with the ink illness. S sorry I threw up on you." I said apologetically.

"Don't sweat it kid. I've done that too Boris as well. More then once. I have it too. It's not a big deal. So you have had it for a long time too. Feels like hell right?" That explained why he was so calm about it.

"Ye, the worst. D do you have any back up cloths. Or a towel?" I asked covering up at least that i had to cover up.
"Right sorry. I'm sure Felix has some. I'll be back." He stuttered as he ran back to camp, blushing

I dived under the cold Refresh water and washed my hair out as I looked at the ink flouting on top of the water. My skin iched like I just been stung by a thousand wasps, respectively. The cold air made me calm down. damit I really needed some of that cream grillby gave me that one time.

Bendy and cup came back. I coved back up with the water. Cup looked away and handed me the towl, he had to cover bendy's eyes. Creep. I covered up and walked back to the camp.

"What even happened?" Cup asked.

"She's like me with this ink illness. And her cloths got inked. Hehe." He chucked.

"Pff your not the only one!" He said pointing at his pants. I giggled as well.
"S sorry about that bendy." I tried not to laugh.
"Oh it's fine splodge I have back up cloths. Anyway we should rest up. It's pettle late." He said changing his bottems. I blushed and looked away. Why was he so hot and charming. No other boy had treated me like that.... the adults don't count.

He took hold of my hand and pulled me into the tent. He gave me a spare one of Boris' top and told me to change as he put his hands over his eyes.

I blushed and changed into the over sized top. It was way too big for me.

"Y you covered? S sorry we don't have any feminine cloths for you. But there is a village a little away from here we can stop at. Plus some friends there." He said laying next to me.

"Oh sounds fun. But I don't have any money."

"No worry. Cups, mugs and felix, are our money guys, and we run the week with erens to get more money. Hek with a sweet bird like you on our side we might get more. He giggles. He pulled my beside him as he cover me. looks like we are sharing.

My heart raced as he put his arms around me.So this is love. I like it. I know its a silly little chrush but It feels like more.

We layed there, listening to the out side noises and mostly mugs snoring. It didn't take us long until we feel asleep in each others arm. I just wondered what tomorrow beholds

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