chapter 2: worth the wait

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Heya, me again, god, imagine being in my place. Can't see anyone, random people coming in and out of a room you wasn't allowed to leave unless permission which was on certain occasions. It has its pros though: I get all kinds of food, raman is my personal favourite; I have my own toilet and showers but I'm limited to what shampoos and body soaps I can use. There is also my tablet which I can draw on. And I the best thing. No school work. Since I have been in here since I was 14 which means I didn't get to do my GCSEs, I got to pick though. I chose I-media, drama and of course art. I was never the best at English since i couldn't read well.

Anyway, today my dads was coming in and they said I could come out the room and go around the hospital since my marks and my vomiting was down. I was so happy. I got to eat my pop tarts for breakfast.
"Your best to have a shower so you are all clean, Emily" muffit said putting the tablet on charge. I rushed in the bathroom and though my dirty cloth into the room. Muffit tired up. I was a little messy. She loved my teddy my auntie got me when I was 8, I named her snowy since my birthday was in November and all the Christmas stuff was coming out

A bout 20 minutes later, I was about the shower with a towel tent on my head. Muffit pull me to one of the walls and blow dryed my hair and put it in a fancy plat. I was so happy. I grabbed the tablet about pulling the plug out the wall and grabbing snowy. For being in hospital I was very happy and never acted ill. Hopefully if I stayed like this they might let me go home.

Grillby walked me down to a room on the first floor where I was allowed to see my parents. I tried to remember what they looked like.

My dad (real dad) was a soft guy, he was in his 30s but looked very young. He had ginger hair (mines strawberry blond) and had the shame grey eyes like I had. And was small for a man at around 5'8, I was 5'3. He was like me but he didn't like cartoons that I like but respected then and like them as well, sorry off topic, he liked anime if I had to compare him to a anime dad..... Well that hard cuz their isn't many that dad in anime cuz they went to get milk.... Dichi or mirio. I know they aren't dads but they still look after their team and if they was they would be great dad's + they are like 1000% gay🏳️‍🌈, just like mine.

My farther, he was a trouble maker he was still made it fun for me. He is quite tall at 6'2. He has jet black hair and and a dark skin but it was more of a tan colour. He gave of "jock" and "emo" vibes but he was never like that. He was quite a goof ball, with a very big hart. That's how we met him was quite cute.

I was at a pride parade when I was about 11, I my dad was looking at something and someone pull me away into the crowd. They pulled me out of the crowed and down an ally. Then he came their and looked at me. "do you know him kid?" I shock my head. He told me to look away as I heard the sound of someone being betten up. Then the sound of chains. When I looked back the man the took me was on the ground beaten up and cuffed.
"It's ok now kid. My name is dave. You can trust me, I'm a cop" he showed me his badge. Did I tell you he was a cop. Aww well. He picked me up and called for back up. Luckily my dad was smart and gave me a brasilet with his number on. Dave called my dad and we reunited again with 4 mins. My dad was so happy to see me alive and I was just happy to see him.
"Don't run off Emily I was so scared!" He said hugging me titer.
"Sorry sir but she was taken. Luckily I saw the man as good for us it was a well known rapist's was they needed to put into custody." He said very formally. I just looked up at then since I didn't know what a rapest was.
"Dave is very nice dad he saved me." I said at I got a rainbow Marshmello out my bag and gave it to him as a thank you.
"Well thank you dave." My dad said.
"What you doing here? This for your daughter?"
"Yes and for my I guess."
"Oh same, well not the daughter part." Dave's pulled out a gay flag.
"Oh hehe. Well I'm Conner and this Emily. Since you have my number would you like to go out some time?"
"Oh yes sure, I would love too."
So ye I got them together.

I waited for them to come in. They finally came and I hugged them. It was so happy.  We spend most of the day talking and showing my work. Grillby told them how I was getting better and could possibly go home, though they still didn't know what was wrong with me. They want to keep my here untill my birthday just to make sure. Oh yeah, I forgot that was coming up.
"Also mr Gamazon's," grilby said. Gamazon was Dave's last name. I had it changed too when they married.
"Emily had entered a completion."

"Oh has she now, where did she come?" "Well she came first."

"Wait what. I DID?!" I said getting all hyped up.
"Yes and Joey Drew will be coming in tomorrow to talk to you about your character for the day.
"I get to meet JOEY DREW!" I was so happy I was cry. My dad's conferred me but I was too happy.

"And also here." Grillby handed me a letter, sertificet and a little doll of splode. I was so a cute. I read the letter out loud.
"Dare emily Gamazon, me and all the palls out my studio love your character splodge. She was such a unique but special idea. Me, VO Adam, hennry, would love to meet you. On XX/10/ XXXX I, my self will come meet your since your condition. Henry made you the doll and he was very inspired by ink illness to INKclud into out story's. See you soon from Joey Drew." I was about crying I couldn't believe it.

I suddenly felt strange. I collapse to my knees as I had a huge pain in my sumach. " A ARR I IT H HURT !" My dad's rush to me but grillby told them "it's best to leave, we can handle it, it's just another episode." Grilby room my to my room luckily just in time for me to get to the bathroom. I threw up, but the strange parts about it was it was a unusual colour. Not a normals chuncky yellow. But a inky like sumstants. I don't remember mutch. Just throwing up and I blacked out...

(qftim) the finale characterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ