Trapped In A Nightmare (1)

Start from the beginning

"The children are our only hope. Get the girls to safety. Get the children to safety and on Emma's..." Pausing in his words Rumpelstiltskin closes his eyes in concentration, trying to focus on the future. And what would have to occur in order to break the Curse.

"...twenty-eighth birthday, she will return."

Snow couldn't help but feel horror fill her every nerve, he had specifically left out their unborn child. Just the idea of the girls being separated sent the worst thoughts and scenarios rushing through her head "What about..."

"She will be different. Her arrival into your life...will be magical, to say the least!" He cackles vaguely "...she will either be your hero...or your worst nightmare."

With that, knowing they had gotten the information they needed, Charming quickly grabs Snow pulling her away from the bars, he wanted her as far away from that creature as quickly as possible before he could fill her head with more horrifying thoughts.
"Heard enough. We're leaving."

As they turn their backs on him, Rumpelstiltskin lets out a loud cackle only to start slamming against the bars in desperation, as they move further and further away. He had given them what they wanted, he wanted what he was promised in return.
"Hey, no!" He lets out with a deranged scream "We made a deal! I want her name! We had a deal
I. Need. Her. Name! I want her name!"
With the deranged screams continuing to echo through the halls of the cave Charming merely throws a narrowed glare back at the monstrous figure "Her? It's a boy."

Ignoring the Prince, the golden-eyed sorcerer focuses on Snow White who was frozen in place, her hands shaking violently as she refused to turn to face him and his darkened gaze.
"Missy, you know I'm right. Tell me. What's her name?"

Snow inhales tightly as her hands circle around her stomach protectively, surrendering her name may possibly save everything they cared for. So finally, after what felt like an eternity of reluctance and hesitation, the Princess forces herself to turn back, her eyes meeting those of the desperate Rumpelstiltskin "Elizabeth."

"No!" He screams suddenly banging against her bars "Her true name. The name your little one gave her. I want it!"

Clenching her eyes shut for a moment Snow sighs, while yes their unborn daughter's royal name would be Elizabeth, Emma had already given her a nickname. The name she claimed was her sister's true name... and clearly, Rumplestiltskin felt the same.
So finally she exhales in defeat and gives the monster the one thing he craved instead of freedom.

The true name of her daughter.

"Buffy...her name is Buffy."


After what felt like an eternity, the couple found a new screaming bundle of joy placed in their arms. With bright green eyes and strands of blonde hair, they had a perfect little girl.

Tears drip down Charming's face as he stares down at his little girl, pure happiness filling his heart. Reluctantly pulling away from his wife he makes his way over to Red taking his eldest daughter into his arms.

The little blonde princess wraps her tiny arms around her father's neck before looking over to her mother, staring at the small baby wrapped up in a white and yellow cotton blanket in her arms.
Snow finally takes her eyes off her precious newborn to meet the green eyes of her young daughter "Emma, do you want to meet your baby sister?" 
Emma giggles happily as her father places her on the bed allowing her to crawl up to her mother's side. Carefully Snow leans forward lowering the crying newborn onto her lap, allowing Emma to finally see the little girl. 
Emma's eyes widen gleefully as she stares down at her little sister "Sissy." She giggles before holding out a finger, allowing the newborn the wrap her tiny hands around the toddler's finger "Buffy."
Charming couldn't help but chuckle at Emma's absolute refusal to call the baby Elizabeth, despite the fact it was even stitched across the baby blanket in yellow cotton, much like Emma's own baby blanket had.

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