"I'm preparing to fight for you Jungkook. Namjoon and I meet at least four times a week to discuss the details of your defence. I'm confident we'll have you out of here soon."

"You're too hopeful."

"And you're too negative." I tease, happy when I see him trying to hold back a smile.

"Alright basket case." The guard calls. Rather than letting Jungkook say goodbye to me, he removes the phone from his hands and cuffs his wrists again.

Pain fills my heart as I watch him being escorted away, nothing but an empty chair now sitting before me. The urge to just burst in to tears is so strong, my eyes are stinging and I'm forced to bite my lip to avoid it.

Jungkook PoV

The steel door slams shut behind me, the echo alerting my cell mates that I'm back.

"Ahhh and our famous guest returns."

"Guest?" I tut before heading towards my bunk. "I've been herenearly over a month now."

Scoffing a laugh Yoongi swings his head down from the top bunk, his mint green hair flopping down as he pouts at me. "What's with the glum face Kookie doo Kookie dee?"


"Oh but there is I can see it. So can Hobi."

I glance over at the male in mention. "He's still meditating." I look back at Yoongi. "Hasn't even noticed I've come back."

"Yeah yeah just spill me the juicy details and tell me why your face looks all—." He pulls an expression of disgust whilst wiggling his finger at me. "Blah!"

Sighing I tuck my hands beneath my head and lay back. "I miss my girl."

"Ahhhh so there's a special someone waiting out there for you." He teases, and when I hear the thud of his feet hitting the ground I realise a nap isn't gonna happen any time soon.

Taking a seat on the bed the mint haired male continues spurting out random crap.

"So tell me lover boy—." His sudden twitches cause his sentence to stop. "W-what's her name?"


"And h-how—." He whistles before clicking his tongue multiple times. I sigh and reach my hand out to him which he grabs hold of immediately. For some reason his ticks calm down when he messes with fingers.

"H-how did you meet her?" He asks whilst softly pinching my finger tips.

"She was my psychiatrist."

"Damn so you fucked your shrink??"

"It took a while to get to that stage. And she's not a shrink she's a psychiatrist."

"Potato patata." He shrugs.

My attention turns to Hoseok when I hear him exhale a breath before stretching. He looks over at me, a relaxed smile on his face as he places his hands together and bows. "Namastay."

"Good meditation Hobi wobi woo?" Yoongi asks.

"It was a journey as always."

"So is that good or bad?"

"Yoongi meditation is neither good or bad it's a journey through spirituality—."

"Okay if you two are gonna talk voodoo then keep it on the other side of the room. I'm tryna sleep." I say whilst attempting to get comfy but who am I kidding, this mattress might as well be stuffed with bricks. They don't even have pillows.

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