
I don't think Lee could be more annoying if he tried today. Clearly he's hyped up for Rachel's arrival tomorrow, but honestly, he's being crazy erratic. Even Elle, who usually has infinite patience for Lee's weirdness, has had enough. We're sitting on our towels, drying off after another swim and Lee's phone won't stop pinging with text message after text message.

Elle snaps. "For God's sake, Lee, just go call her! Jeez!"

I can't help but chuckle at her total exasperation, but Lee's oblivious, just running off to call his girlfriend.

I turn to Elle after having a serious thought. "He's so in love, it's almost stopped being funny. How long do you think it'll be until I have to put on a penguin suit for the wedding?"

She laughs. "Hmm, I say two years."

"That long? Really?"

"Oh, come on. You know Lee. He'll want to make sure the flowers and the food and the cake are just perfect. And he'll want the perfect bachelor party too."

"Which, of course, I'd be in charge of planning," I say confidently.

Elle raises her eyebrows. "You think you'll be his best man?"

"Who else?" I reply. "I'm his big brother. I've got plenty of embarrassing stories about him. I'm the obvious choice."

"I think you'll find the position of best woman is already taken."

"Of course it is," I laugh, shaking my head. "I'm really thirsty. Do you want to grab a Coke from the bar?"

I know Elle loves the little tiki-style bar down the shore, and while I've taken her there at least once every summer since I was old enough to be trusted to watch her and Lee, this would be the first time I'd be taking her as my girlfriend. Which seems kind of important that it be just the two of us, without Lee tagging along.

"Sure," she smiles, standing up.

I grab a few bills out of my wallet. "Let's go."

It doesn't take long to walk there, but the queue's kind of long. We've been in line for a few minutes when Elle blurts, "Do you know those guys? Over there?"

I look around where she's facing and then back to her, but before I can answer, the bar tender looks our way.

"What can I get you guys?"

"Two Cokes," I reply, pushing the money across the counter. I look over my shoulder, unable to help the scowl on my face when I see the guys again.

"Noah!" Elle exclaims, swatting my hand. "Do you know them or what? They're still looking over here."

"Yeah, if it's the guy I think it is, I made out with his ex-girlfriend or something last summer. He tried to punch me, so, naturally, I acted in self-defense. Might not even be him."

I'm pretty sure it is, but I don't want Elle flipping out over this.

"What? When did - "

"You know all those beach bonfires and parties and stuff? You and Lee never went to them?"

Elle nods and I continue, jerking a thumb over my shoulder in the general direction of the guys. "I think it was at one of those."

"I can't believe..." Elle trails off, shaking her head. "You couldn't have just walked away?"

How come I feel so guilty about something that happened a year ago? Elle has this way of making me wish I was better than I actually am, and it doesn't feel great to disappoint her. I grind my teeth a little, not looking at her when I reply. "Point taken."

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