Chapter 17 Approaching Storm.

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Rho knows lesser beings would be bored out of their minds in this lifeless, endless void. Or simply become insane, whatever comes first. The fragment of hate didn't mind since it means nothing can distract him from planning out his mission once his partnership with his creative brother is over.

"Is it time brother?" Rho said, not bothering to look behind and confirm who had entered the void Rho was entombed in.

The newcomer speaks, "Yes. though it's earlier than I would have hoped." It was the fragment of creativity Sigma.

Rho was not surprised, rolling his nonexistent eyes and said, "Is the Director sensing you are plotting? something that conflicts with the Director's vision for the project." Rho's tone was so lifeless, so cold Sigma was unsure if he was mocking him or not.

Sigma explained what's going on to the embodiment of Alpha and Director's hate, "The latest fragment harvested from the Alpha was unstable causing damage to the agent he was meant to be paired with."

This piqued Rho's curiosity; he would be smiling right now if he could, "The Director is likely worried that he has broken Alpha's mind so many times to form the fragments that now, the new fragments will come out brittle." Rho saw Sigma didn't follow, so he clarified, "they are unstable, fractored, uncontrollable like me.. and you." gesturing to Sigma.

Sigma nodded, "Currently, the Director is rounding up all the fragments. likely to study us to figure out why Episloon became unstable while most of us are fine." Rho nodded as the fragment of ambition continued, "Likely the Director will erase you. You made it clear you don't desire to be fixed."

Rho smiled and asked, "Then open the door. it's finally time to stretch my legs." Sigma rolled his eyes as a glow of light appeared in the void, the way out for the imprisoned fragment.

Sigma and Rho appeared outside the device. The Director entrapped Rho for years. The fragment of hate takes the feeling of no longer encased inside a jar. The two warped to a random hall so the two fragments could chat in peace.

"This ship is what I expected. Cold, only life in it is the people trapped inside Leonard's maze of lies and sins." Rho chuckled, enjoying his freedom. Then he noticed someone coming down the hall and smiled,

Sigma turned in the direction and saw it was agent Texas herself walking through the hallway, looking around for something. She opened every door she could enter. The black-armored gal would scan the room for something before exiting and continuing down the hall.

The fragment of ambition and creativity says the fragment of hate, "I'll be heading out and checking on Maine. Keep a low profile brother." warping out of there, leaving Rho to watch Texas keep on her search for something.

Texas has been on the Mother of Invention for two days and senses the uneasiness that fills the air like smoke. She checked in with others and saw most of them were fine. The exceptions were Carolina, who finally awakened. Agent Washington was still recovering from having his insane fragment removed from his head.

Texas was eventually pulled to the side to talk with the Director privately. He was aware texas had left shortly after the spartan did, thinking that possibly she took the chance to fulfill one of the goals he placed on her, "Agent Texas I know it might be wishful thinking but did you succeed in killing the spartan?" The Director honestly needs some good news with the whole mess the fragment making has become of late.

The fragment inside a black armor robot nodded, "Yes. I was able to catch him off guard but he left me in bad shape. I needed to patch myself up before returning." hoping that was a believable story for the Director.

The Director nodded and then dismissed agent Texas leaving Leonard alone in the room. The Director sighs and says, "Guess I need to take another crack at making her." He thought Beta was the perfect recreation of his dead wife, but Leonard underestimated the strength of sibling love to be transferred over to a digital clone.

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