Chapter 10 Winds of Change

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Six noted that things haven't been the same for Project Freelancer post the heist, first was the arrival of a new "A.I."

Six was with York before the surgery to get the chip in his head to freely communicate with his new A.I. partner. York was nervous not so much for the pain but how it would feel to have a voice in his head other than his own, "Say teach you ever had an A.I. in your head?" Six sadly could not give much, "Sorry but my only interaction with an A.I. was carrying it in a carrier, not in my head."

"What was their name? If they have one?" York was curious since he was unsure if they were given names like how kids are when born, or just given a title they go by like how he's called York and Six, is well Six, "Cortana. She chose me to-" York slapped an arm on the spartan three's shoulder and said, "Wow you gave Chief his key to saving the universe. Must be something you're proud of.

Nathan looked away from York, Six hates to admit but he's a lot likes Carolina, he doesn't like to be a stepping stone to someone else's success. The difference here is at least her name is not one they want to keep from being heard any longer than it needs to. ONI doesn't want the embodiment of their sins to come to light and see in his ugly glory. Soon the door opened and York walked into the room to get injected with his new roommate in his head.

Few minutes later York finally arrived in a room for people post surgery to heal before being let out. York was gently placed on a lounge chair with two chairs, one on each side of it. His helmet was off showing his brown hair and his two eyes thanks to help of the spartan and black armor chick of the project.

Six and Carolina entered the room and took the seats by York's side, "You think York has to play telephone with his A.I. to inform us?" Carolina joked towards the spartan three who responded with, "They should be able to speak for themselves, the real question is will they project a hologram for us to see."

Suddenly a green hologram forms just above York's chest area, "I will be projecting myself just like this." Carolina almost jumps out of her seat seeing a green mark five mjolnir armor person wielding a magnum. "My apologies, Agent Carolina. I assume it would be best to correct you in person and not wait for my partner to wake up."

Carolina collected herself and said to the A.I. "It's fine so what's your name A.I.?" the A.I. gladly answer, "My name is Delta but I am not an actual A.I. I am actually a fragment." Six was curious about the wording but was about to ask about that when York started to move to showing he was back to being awake and notice Delta, "So you're the one taking space in my head?"

"Correct Agent New York. I hope our partnership is a fruitful one." York hoped so and said to his A.I. partner, "Just call me York." Delta responded with a simple answer, "Noted."

Delta looks at Six and when he does the fragment froze in place, like a deer in the headlights and his body glitching out and changing into a light blue color , "Are you okay Delta?" Six asked which snapped Delta out of whatever was going on in his digital mind returning him to his green glowing form,

"Sorry Agent Six, my threat senses were on high alert when seeing you. York's chances at defeating you are less than five percent" Carolina chuckled while York rolled his eyes as he sat up as the rest of their friends came in to see the A.I.

Following Delta was Sigma who was given to Carolina at first, but she instead gave it to Maine who needed someone to speak for him, due to him lacking the means to do it himself. During this time Six had another encounter with Agent Texas.

Six's plan required waiting until everyone was asleep or Carolina was grinding herself to the bone even though Six told her to chill for the fourth time this week alone. Once that is complete the plan can finally begin.

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