Chapter 12 Dropping In

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"Lexi." Six tries to contact his fellow spartan three but she was not answering, likely due to being busy or there was too much distance between himself and Lexi, "If you are picking this up I wanted to ask if... you be free any time soon? I'm thinking about leaving Project Freelancer for good... And well, I think we are long overdue for a reunion. I hope you respond soon, bye." Six ended the transmission.

The spartan three was in a hallway that had a glass wall to view the vastness of space, reflecting on what happened a few minutes ago. Six and Carolina were heading to the planning room to inform the Director of the information Wyoming reported in.

Along the way Carolina looked at Six and tried her best to keep her emotions in check,"You've been hanging out with "her" a lot recently." Six knew right away who Carolina was talking about and he let out a heavy sigh of frustration,

"Only because you refuse to take five minutes to chill the hell out." Carolina faced away not wanting to show the anger written all over her face as he kept talking, "Being the best soldier is not something to spend the rest of your life to achieve. It's not worth it."Carolina was unsure how to respond but they finally arrived at their destination allowing her focus to return to why they were here.

"Director, Wyoming has reported in." Director clearly wanted her just to get to what was reported but she said to her father, "You won't like what he found sir." Director says to the red haired agent,

"Agent Carolina, information never displeases me. It's ignorance that I find unforgivable." Six was happy he got a helmet on so no one could see him rolling his eyes, Counselor was the only one but that's due to how he and the director seem to always be at each other's throat, "Report." Carolina gave the Director the information from Wyoming's report,

"It's like you said. C.T. is with them." Director nodded figuring this out and says to his daughter,

"You know what to do. I Do not need to remind you how valuable our technology is, Carolina." to a rare moment of questioning which even caught Six off guard, maybe it's due to her two father figures abandoning her for that black bitch.

"C.T. doesn't have an A.I. sir, and also wasn't even among the best agent's in the project." Director's response to Carolina's statement was,

"C.T. will be an acceptable loss, but her armor must not fall into the wrong hands."Six figures due to the Director's word choice he doesn't plan to let her live, likely have Tex kill her rather than capture her. Six will keep that in mind since he wants to get info off Connie that will enlighten the spartan on what's going on, namely where the hell is Alpha?

"I understand." Carolina said to the Director while giving a nod. Fearing of being one up by agent

Texas caused the green eyed agent to ask, "Will we be the only forces sent out on this mission, sir?"

"Leave personnel decisions to me, agent! Just do your job." Six had enough of the Director's shit and walk around the table and said,

"HEY. she ask you a simple fucking question leonard, how about instead being a whiney little cunt! You answer the question." Six loomed over the Director causing the old man to step back in fear of the Spartan, who wouldn't be? Carolina once again felt conflicted in stepping in since she appreciated Six standing up for her, she also worried Six will literally beat her father to death.

"Agent Six, I think you made your point. And to answer your question, yes others will join you but only if they are needed." Counselor said being the one who was calm.

Six walks out of the room still mad and returns to the present.

Noble Six knew either he'll quit or be fired, which leads to the next question, what will he do next? Six's best idea is spend some time with Lexi since she was the only other person he would not mind spending time with, along with the fact he has romantic feelings for the black hair gal. Six did wonder if he deserved a peaceful end? All the lives he took, most were people that did not deserve to die, only because they were in the way of his higher up's agenda.

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