Chapter 4 Mission Gone South

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"Remember the projective?" the Dakota's nodded to Six who was guiding them to Niner's Pelican as they head to their with Carolina on call if they need ground support, with Six going to chilling in the air with a Wasp in case enemies decide to chase after Niner in the air or across the chilling sea of the planet.

"Yeah, we got it boss we don't have short-time memories." Six sometimes want to smack South but he resists the urge.

"Don't worry Six I keep an eye on her." Six trusted North to at least keep South from being too reckless. As he saw the two enter the ship while Carolina rested against the side of the Pelican.

"So any advice for me?" Six had to ponder what to say to the best agent in freelancer. Eventually, words did form in his mind and escape his lips.

"Just wait until you're needed by the Dakota's, stealth is the key." Carolina understood he wanted her to catch them when they fall but not hover over them as they walk. She climbed on in the Pelican and before taking off Niner said through the speaker to Six.

"Hey Spartan bet you can't fly as well as me in that puny insect of a vehicle." Six smirked under his helmet as he knew Niner prided herself on her flying but he also enjoyed teasing her about it and putting her down, for fun to be clear.

"I don't know Niner, I heard Wasps are really good at taking out pelicans, besides your flying so reckless I'm surprised you haven't flown right into the sun by turning so hard." This got Four Seven Niner triggered and everyone on the verge or already letting a chuckle escape their lips.

"Just get the fuck in your insect and wait until your ass is needed." Six smiled and enjoyed her salt. He saw Niner Pelican leave the Mother of Invention and he was about to follow when a hand rested on his shoulder to stop him from walking away just yet.

"Take this." Six attention turned and saw a light blue hand extended with a classic bottle of soda. "I figure you would appreciate a drink to enjoy while you sit in the plane waiting for when or if you are called to act."

"Thanks, Illinois." The Spartan took the bottle from the whale helmet agent. Six never understood who approved that helmet be a combat-ready one. Six shook those thoughts out of his mind as he hopped into the Wasp and flew out after Niner as he looked for a place to chill while he waited for when he was needed, or if not he could just fly back to the Mother of Invention.

Six's hiding spot high in the night sky also turned off the lights of the Wasp so it's harder for people to spot him. Six looked at his still unopened soda bottle as a way to pass time as he waited for the call to action or a call to return to base.

"I'm guessing you didn't come all this way to see what my face looks like?" Alpha appears next to him sitting on the dashboard looking at Six.

"I came to talk to you since I can understand this job can be, well, boring." Six kept looking at Alpha in a "really?" look under his visor but its effects were affecting the A.I. "Also to see what you look like under that helmet."

Six pull from his side Emile's Kukri to pop open the lid cap of the bottle and then sheathed it once more when Six done using the blade. Using one hand he removes his helmet revealing his red hair to the Alpha who thought it looked familiar or at least reminds him of another agent.

"Man you are ugly mother fucker." he got the birdie in return from the Spartan as he started to drink the soda. As silence formed between the two the Alpha had an answer to this, "want to play chess?"

"Did you get the demo or the full game?" this time six not only got one birdie he got two almost caused him to spit out his soda from laughing at how salty he was being. Eventually Alpha forms a hard light board and chess pieces for them to play with. It was actually more fun than either thought it would be.

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