Chapter 14 Detachment

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Noble Six on this day was in the locker room with the only other people inside were Maine and Wyoming. However both were tinkering with their personal weapon of choice,

Maine it was his brute shot, Wyoming it was his sniper rifle. The spartan was just sitting on the bench thinking about the future and when exactly he will leave Project Freelancer. Lexi's response back to him made it clear she was going to be busy for a long time. Six was still in thought until a voice broke through his thinking,

"Hello Noble Six." Six turns and saw the flaming fragment of creativity, Sigma, "What's on your mind? As of late you have been more distant with the other agents." Six knew what the fragment was talking about.

Six responses back to the flames of ambition with, "Well I've been thinking about leaving Project Freelancer. I think the Director wants me gone since I outlived the role I was needed to fill. Or he simply wants me dead because I killed someone he cared about and is now seeking revenge. Why else would he have given one of the agents the mission to kill me." Six's tone making it sound like having your boss give one of your fellow workers the sole mission to kill you on the job is a regular occurance.

Sigma nodded and then said back to Noble Six, "So would you say you would leave if something "terrible" happen to one of the agent's? Like Agent Carolina?" Six looked away from Sigma, more or less confirming the fragment's theory, "Interesting. Well I leave you to be spartan three." The Fragment moved closer to Maine as Six got to his feet and left the room.

"Six is still a wild card?" said by the very robotic voice of Gamma who was a blue humanoid hologram that formed near Sigma and faced his brother, "I believe the spartan three would make for a better host for us than Maine does. So why not jump ship? He alone could help take out everyone else to collect our brothers and sisters that the others' have?"

Sigma did agree with his partner in crime but said, "I heard from Omega that he tried and failed. Six has mental defenses strong enough to push him right out. I believe it will be a fruitless endeavor. Unless we tip the scales into our favor." Sigma ponders what could win the spartan to their side and maybe even better to get him to willingly merge with them to become the Meta.

Gamma suggested to the fragment of ambition, "There's also our missing brother." Sigma was confused who Gamma was talking about? Was it Xi? the one piece Sigma is missing to complete the Meta? Gamma clarified, "Me and Wyoming overheard the doctors that work on injecting the fragments into the agents. They mention there is one that is too uncontrollable, and he seems to be able to possess people much more effectively than Omega." At least from What Gamma heard.

Sigma was astounded by this information, this fellow fragment could be a powerful ally in their quest to become Meta, or just a simple pawn in Sigma's game. "Thank you Gamma. I'll try to meet this wild brother of ours and see if he will-" the two fragments heard a helmet hit the wall as Carolina entered the room and sat down clearly upset, "I think the solution to our spartan dilemma might just have walked right into our hands." Gamma left having an idea where this is going as Sigma approaches the agent in aqua armor.

Carolina sat on the same bench that Six was moment's before as she grumbled to herself, "Nothing is working... maybe I do need-" Sigma appeared up near her and though Carolina was clearly upset she was not going to lash it out on Sigma,"Hello Sigma can I help you with something?"

Sigma shook his head and says, "More like what can I do to help you? Judging by you tossing your helmet, your training has been a fruitless endeavor to surpass agent Texas." Carolina nodded yes and Sigma kept talking, "Texas is not only a naturally skilled warrior but the Director is giving her... special treatment."

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