Chapter 11 Hate and Trust

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Today was Agent Missouri's lucky day. He was asked to test out an A.I. fragment and if it Connects and works well with him, Missouri shall be permitted to use it in the field. Missouri already has an A.I. chip in his head, so all is left to inject the fragment into it.

A doctor approaches the agent while holding a device that Missouri assumes is used to inject A.I. into the agents' chip, but Missouri does not know for sure, or care to check.

"Agent Missouri this might sting a bit." Missouri appreciate the docs worry and said in response,

"It's okay doc just put the little guy in my head.'' Missouri closes his eyes so all he sees is blackness.

Missouri felt the sting and forming from purplish blue flames a figure stood in the blackness before him. The figure was wearing mark five armor which was an older brand than the common armor found in Project Freelancer, in fact this one looks like the ones spartans would have worn on the planet Reach. It was a black color with a glow matching the flames surrounding it. The only other color beside black and purplish blue was it's crimson visor that had this angry feel to it, like the wrath of a million people all in one physical being.

"Hello Agent Missouri." The voice of the A.I. was eerily similar to Noble Six's own voice, But was more cold, lifeless sending chills down Missouri's spine, "hello... It's nice to meet you." The fragment looked around in the void of Missouri's mindscape and didn't even respond to Missouri's attempt at welcoming him in. More flames like the avatar of the A.I. was covered in, These flames set a foot or two away from the fragment taking the shape of a sphere.Inside the flaming sphere were images that Missouri recognized, those were moments in his life, the A.I. was skimming through his entire life while saying,

"I appreciate that you think it's nice to meet me.

You would probably be saying a different tune if you knew what my mission is, the purpose of my existence."

Missouri's head was starting to hurt, this A.I. was speaking in riddles to him, "What mission are you talking about?"

The A.I. did a simple hand gesture causing the flaming sphere to dissipate as he turned to face Missouri with his crimson visor, "I am a being forged by hate. Taking the form of the person that the whole hated most in existence. Thus I hate all things. I hate you for being the human they try in a vain attempt to tame me like some kind of dog. I hate the one who caused me to come into being, and the one who orchestrated it." Missouri felt his mind being drained- no that's not right, it was being deleted!? He tried to open his eyes but could not, "Don't struggle. It makes the process of deconstructing your mind less painful. Be honored you are one of the earliest to join the void. The same one I intend to bring all of life into."

Missouri was gone leaving only the fragment of hate inside the corpse, while to the outside world mere seconds have passed and Missouri hasn't moved an inch or opened his eyes.

Counselor and the Director were watching this through a one way window to see if Missouri could tame the rogue fragment of the Alpha's hate, "I think Director Missouri will be the one to finally tame that... thing." Leonard agrees with his partner in crime but he still has very little faith in the agent.

The doctor who injected the cause for the death of Missouri was trying in vain to wake up the freelancer agent. Attempting one last time to wake up the agent, the doctor got from Missouri a hand ripping through his throat gripping his vocal cords. Blood was shooting out like they were in a slasher movie that had a very high budget for blood as it covered the floor and the agent's face and armor in the red substance. Missouri finally ripped out the vocal cords of the doctor letting him fall to the floor dead as he rose to his feet.

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